View Full Version : VU + DUO Freezing

mark T
05-12-11, 15:35
Hi, I have a VU+DOU running Black Hole and every morning When I put the tv on the receiver has frozen. Dont matter which button I press the receiver wont respond. I have to turn it off at the mains and turn it back on. Also then all the EPG has gone and when I try to install the EPG I get a green screen which says the receiver has encounted an error and needs to close. I have contacted the dealer who sold and set it up for me and he is willing to have it back and check for a problem. I was wondering if anybody may have a solution to the problem without me sending it back. The handbook is not very helpfull. Thanks

05-12-11, 15:42
send those crash logs to the BH team they may be able to see why it is crashing and make a fix for it.

05-12-11, 16:03
Have you got the epg set to update each night ? If yes tell me more about how you have it setup.
or have you got something running that produces a log to tmp ?

mark T
06-12-11, 12:46
Hi, yes the EPG is set up to update everynighnt at 23.50 that is how it was when I received it.
Enable opentv uploader, YES
Enable popup notifications, YES
Enable buttons in channel list, YES
Comand to exucute after EPG refresh, NOTHING

mark T
06-12-11, 12:47
wHEN i AM IN THE epg SETTING PAGE AND press the download now{yellow} nothing happens, no download

mark T
06-12-11, 12:49
Also the EPG does not update, infact there is no epg on the screen by the channels

06-12-11, 13:43
I suspect crossepg is filling the flash when it runs.
Have you got a USB and mounted it via device manager ?

mark T
06-12-11, 16:25
To be honest I am new to this receiver and very unsure as wot to do. I used to use a nannoxx before this and that was straight forward. I have a USB stick but I dont know what to do with it. I have just turned the receiver off at the mains for 10mins hoping that may do something to the EPG settings. I really could do with some walkthrough help as the handbook is useless. It would be nice to be able to see a epg on the channels. Help

06-12-11, 16:41
The manual is "useless" because you no longer have the manufacturer's image on the box.

Powering off/on wont change your EPG settings. Press Blue then Red to take you to the BH EPG panel.

From there you can access "Global Settings" and also "Provider Settings". Scroll down onto each provider, go into "Provider Settings" (yellow or green - can't remember), then Disable Automatic download.

Make sure its disabled for every provider, then enable it ONLY for the provider you need, i.e. one of the UK ones.

In Global Settings I think you can specify where to store the EPG data, /media/hdd or /media/usb. Use /media/hdd for now.

If you don't have a HDD, insert the USB stick in the port at the back, press Blue, Blue and mount it as /media/usb. Then reboot, and go back to EPG panel, and set the location as /media/usb.

06-12-11, 16:46
Put the USB in one of the rear slots, press blue button and then go to device manager, now you should see the USB un-mapped. Now map it and restart the box.
After the reboot check again in devices that it is OK.
Now configure crossepg to save to usb and not the flash.

06-12-11, 17:13
Use vix.problem solved m8ty

06-12-11, 17:30
Use vix.problem solved m8ty

Does VIX mount your usb and configure crossepg automatically ?

06-12-11, 17:34
Does VIX mount your usb and configure crossepg automatically ?

of course not, i have yet to see a image that does.

06-12-11, 18:53
Does VIX mount your usb and configure crossepg automatically ?

No...however,I was able to setup my epg without a glitch.
That's one of many reasons why I use vix:)

06-12-11, 19:01
No...however,I was able to setup my epg without a glitch.
That's one of many reasons why I use vix:)
The the OP would still need the same help so your previous post really does not help or serve a purpose.

@pheonix I was being flippant and thanking cosie for his post is strange. we are now totally off topic and not helping the OP :mad:

06-12-11, 19:42
Donie.I was trying to offer you an olive branch,
It hasn't worked:(
So let's put it in black and White.
Change ur image to...........VIX :))))))

06-12-11, 20:57
Ok guys lets nip this in the bud please and stay on topic.


06-12-11, 22:03
Mark first thing first fully turn your box off remove your Usb stick n wait about 20 seconds the switch on.

When booted and getting tv picture insert your usb stick

Press blue button twice and select Device Manager, your usb stick should be visable but not mounted.

At this point you can Format the stick if you wish. or just proceed to mounting it. REd button to mount or yellow to format. If you format you will need to repeat the blue bitton twice then back into Device manager to perform the mount after formatting.

After pressing Red button use the left/right button to toggle the mount directory to /media/usb. press red to save and the box will reboot. Again you can check Device Manager from x2 Blue button push to see if the mount was successful.

Once your mounted you need to direct the epg data to the mounted device

For the built in EPG in BH you press blue then red to get into the settings.

From the first page in the epg settings select Global Settings (Red Button)

On that screen scroll down to "Path to save EPG file" and use the left/right buttons again to toggle it to show /media/usb/epg.dat..

Press red to save.

Then iits just a matter of selecting the epg providers you want and to set the schedules of when you want to download them.

If you want to use the OpenTv Loader tick the very last one in the list . This gets the info from the satellite and takes a bitta time.

If you tick Rytec-SkyUK this gets the EPG from the internet. I have found this option populates the EPG with more info but sometimes the download site can be offline and you can get a green screen.

You can also Download the CrossEPG plugin to grab your epgs. Again its just a matter of setting it up to save to the correct mounted drive.

Good luck, post if you need any more info.

mark T
07-12-11, 13:28
Thanks for the reply and the info. When I last spoke to you I turned the box off and only turned it on an hour ago. I dont know if it has helped but the epg has restored and is changing when the programs do and seems to be working fine now. Thanks again for your help. By the time I master this box it will be out of date, but I'll keep trying

mark T
11-12-11, 15:37
I have done all this and still Im get no epg. If go channel to channel I get epg but when the program finishes I lose the epg. Im pulling my hair out

mark T
11-12-11, 15:39
I dont know how to map it or what you mean by configure crosspeg. Im really pulling my hair out over this

mark T
11-12-11, 15:48
another thing Ive found, when go into epg setttings and click on a UK provider it comes up with red-settings, green-channels and yellow-download now. If I press yellow the screen freezes saying please wait for the download to complete. I left it doing this for 12 hrs and still nothing happened. If I press the green for channels 4 little blue squares start moving on the corner of the screeen then the screen goes completly green saying that there is a software error and has to close

11-12-11, 16:02
another thing Ive found, when go into epg setttings and click on a UK provider it comes up with red-settings, green-channels and yellow-download now. If I press yellow the screen freezes saying please wait for the download to complete. I left it doing this for 12 hrs and still nothing happened. If I press the green for channels 4 little blue squares start moving on the corner of the screeen then the screen goes completly green saying that there is a software error and has to close

which image are you using and it's probably best to upload those generated crash logs to the team in questions forum so they can take a look and see why it's crashing.

mark T
11-12-11, 16:20
After I put the usb in and double click the blue button to check the usb it comes up as mount :not mapped. I retry putting it on to medis/usb then rebooting the box. When I check if the usb has been mounted again it says not mapped. Whats going wrong. Im so getting p----d off with this box

11-12-11, 16:33
again i ask which image are you using ?.

11-12-11, 22:50
After I put the usb in and double click the blue button to check the usb it comes up as mount :not mapped. I retry putting it on to medis/usb then rebooting the box. When I check if the usb has been mounted again it says not mapped. Whats going wrong. Im so getting p----d off with this box

On the screen where it says "not mapped", press the red button to map it.......... :confused: :)

12-12-11, 06:28
again i ask which image are you using ?.

Pheonix m8...his first post states blackhole .....

mark T
12-12-11, 13:26
I have done this, but it still says not mapped

mark T
12-12-11, 13:44
Hi, all I can find is BLACK HOLE and DREAM ELITE. like I said im new to this box and to be honest im finding it very hard work. the dealer has offered to have it back to check it but that means having to send it back in the post this close to xmas. Ive done what people have told me even with the usb stick. I dont know what else to try. So any help this site can give would be great as Im that close to go back to my Nannoxx

12-12-11, 13:51
After pressing Red (MountPoints), you use the right arrow button (the round one) to scroll through the different mount points. Chosse the appropriate one, then press Red again to Save.

Menu -> Information -> About

will tell you waht image and version you are running.

12-12-11, 14:18
Hi, all I can find is BLACK HOLE and DREAM ELITE. like I said im new to this box and to be honest im finding it very hard work. the dealer has offered to have it back to check it but that means having to send it back in the post this close to xmas. Ive done what people have told me even with the usb stick. I dont know what else to try. So any help this site can give would be great as Im that close to go back to my Nannoxx

If you are using Dream Elite Black Hole image it is so old it is almost antique.
I suggest you update your box with a newer image.
The latest BH 1.66 requires a bootloader update so make sure you follow the instructions correctly.

mark T
12-12-11, 15:25
last night I restored all the automatic epg settings to no and to hhd, rebotted then said yes to 1 UK provider and set it to refresh at 23.20. At 23.30 nothing had changed, no epg. I tried it again in the morning, still no epg. 10 mins ago I tried it and its working, Strange?. IM a bit wary about deleting and adding new programs like this BH 1.66, everything I touch lately messes up and Im worried I may lose everything. This receiver was set up by the dealer for me so all I had to do was plug and plug. Where do I find the bootloader for BH1.66 and where would i find help in how to use and install it. Thanks for all your help and I again appologise for all the questions and problems

12-12-11, 16:59
These boxes (or any linux based sat receivers) aren't really plug and play, as they will always need some sort of updating and/or maintenance.
Fortunately updating the box is quite easy, and all the info you need you can find on this forum. Backup anything you want to keep before flashing any new image.

Update Bootloader:


Download latest BlackHole Image v 1.6.6:


How to flash image:


12-12-11, 17:09
alternatively you could also try the new ViX 2.3 image


mark T
13-12-11, 17:15
Thanks, my mate is down over xmas so I wait until then to have a go at it. Pheonix mentioned VIX 2.3, in your opinion which program is better/easier to install or use

mark T
13-12-11, 17:17
Thanks for all your help, i'll have a look at both of them. All this to watch a bit of decent tv

13-12-11, 17:18
Thanks for all your help, i'll have a look at both of them. All this to watch a bit of decent tv

Yes try both and make your own mind up, although I will say that in my opinion the support offered by both VIX and BH are miles and miles ahead of any other team or image out there.

13-12-11, 17:29
Yes try both and make your own mind up, although I will say that in my opinion the support offered by both VIX and BH are miles and miles ahead of any other team or image out there.

Not just support but the constant development by both teams. :thumbsup:

13-12-11, 17:31
Not just support but the constant development by both teams. :thumbsup:

Totally agreed, there are always new developments going on behind the scenes.

mark T
15-12-11, 14:23
Thanks for all your help

mark T
19-12-11, 22:07
Hi, again. Just a quick question, on the UK channels when I go from channel to channel I always have to alter the langauge button as it always come on with the narrative side with people explaining whats happening on the the film . Is there any setting I can alter to stop this happening. It happens on every channel I go on. Thanks

19-12-11, 22:15
I believe its in the audio settings NAR of or may be AC downmix.

mark T
10-01-12, 11:03
Hi again, I woke up saturday morning with the VU+ clock running 10 mins slow and it is still slow now. Is there anything I can do to put it right. Thanks

10-01-12, 11:52
Hi again, I woke up saturday morning with the VU+ clock running 10 mins slow and it is still slow now. Is there anything I can do to put it right. Thanks

My box gets the time from the sat. try putting it your local sat and see if it corrects itself. 10 MIN slow is a strange one as you would expect it to be + or - hour(s).

10-01-12, 12:21
If you instal TSpanel there is a tool in there for manually setting time and date :D


mark T
10-01-12, 17:18
By my local sat do you mean astra 28

mark T
10-01-12, 17:20
Thanks but im not sure how to install anything. The last time I installed anything I wiped the entire system so for me to do this is really a no no

mark T
10-01-12, 18:16
I disabled all EPG times except the one for rytec sky uk. I unplugged the receiver for 10mins but now the time is 11.20. I have tried to download the epg but nothing downloads. I altered the auto download time to 17.05 but still no download. This receiver is driving me crazy

16-01-12, 21:08
Same problem for me, i was using Vix ViX-2.3.133-vusolo_usb.zip and no Freeze problems...
With ViX-2.3.153-vusolo or with Blackhole 1.7, after a while, the box is freezing (only way to make it work again, is to unplug / re-plug the power)...
This bug happen in stanby mode, and when viewing a channel...

When the vusolo is freezed, it doesn't respond to telnet, or on webif...
With VTI 4.0 it's ok no freeze...

Any idea ?

19-01-12, 22:53
Hi, I have a VU+DOU running Black Hole and every morning When I put the tv on the receiver has frozen. Dont matter which button I press the receiver wont respond. I have to turn it off at the mains and turn it back on. Also then all the EPG has gone and when I try to install the EPG I get a green screen which says the receiver has encounted an error and needs to close. I have contacted the dealer who sold and set it up for me and he is willing to have it back and check for a problem. I was wondering if anybody may have a solution to the problem without me sending it back. The handbook is not very helpfull. Thanks

Had the same problem.....tried various tweeks.....in the end gave up and used VIX image....