View Full Version : VTI Image & Rytec plugin

18-07-10, 15:58

I installed the vti image and configured it to how I want it. To get the rytec plugin working, all I needed to do was download the current rytec.channels.xml and rytec.sources.xml files and upload to /etc/epgimport, correct?!

Well, I done this, set it up for the providers I want epg data for, and did a manual update of the epg data. Worked fine. Then, I left it. Automatic update set for 5.45am. Woke up next morning, box was switched on, and upon checking on the tv, there was no epg data there. Did a restart of the gui, and it picks up the epg data, but it's the data that I'd manually updated to.

So, I try a manual update, and it gets so far, and the box just restarts. Doesn't give the message saying do you want to restart (and gives the countdown of 20 seconds or whatever). When it boots up, no epg data again...

Tried doing a manual update without restarting gui, and then it works fine. Upon restart, it gives the full epg data up to that date.

Is it because I have set too much to update? Have chosen to update NL/BE, UK, CanalSat, Nordic, Dplus, Poland, Germany, Sky Italy.

Might try setting up a swap file, but shouldn't need to surely?!

18-07-10, 16:04
I was just about to ask the following

Using Dream Elite BH, under a single blue button press, I press red to go into the epg, and have set all the Rytec ones to upgrade at 5:20am.

However today I noticed I had no epg details. So I went into each Rytec one and told each one to download now. During one of the downloads, I got the green screen which said it was rebooting after 10 secs, What's really odd is that there's no particular Rytec epg that causes it to reboot, have experimented, and one that causes a green screen, will work fine after it's rebooted, and one that worked before, will cause a green screen.

Yesterday it crashed while doing a manual update once, then I managed to manually download them all.

Very odd

(am I the only person that keeps typing in a quick reply, then stupidly hitting the big "Reply to thread" button on the left hand side, loosing my post? I keep doing it lol)

18-07-10, 16:40
I was just about to ask the following

Using Dream Elite BH, under a single blue button press, I press red to go into the epg, and have set all the Rytec ones to upgrade at 5:20am.

However today I noticed I had no epg details. So I went into each Rytec one and told each one to download now. During one of the downloads, I got the green screen which said it was rebooting after 10 secs, What's really odd is that there's no particular Rytec epg that causes it to reboot, have experimented, and one that causes a green screen, will work fine after it's rebooted, and one that worked before, will cause a green screen.

Yesterday it crashed while doing a manual update once, then I managed to manually download them all.

Very odd

(am I the only person that keeps typing in a quick reply, then stupidly hitting the big "Reply to thread" button on the left hand side, loosing my post? I keep doing it lol)

There's plenty of posts about this on the dream-elite site (I would post example to the one I created on there with the reply, but the board is not available at present...).

Anyway, basically, their reply is that it's because there isn't enough space in there. If you imagine a glass of water, and trying to add more to it, you can only add as much as to the top. Once you get to the top, it starts going over. Well, when it goes over in the image, it gives a green screen.

Not sure why that is when you have a swap created, as it should just move over in to the swap space. But I guess there must be a maximum size they have...

So I was wondering whether with the rytec it was similar problem or not. Shouldn't be I wouldn't think, as it is not updating the actual epg file, it's creating a seperate epg file, and then using that once it reboots... So the fact it crashes when creating the seperate epg file makes me wonder?!

Who knows :p

18-07-10, 17:09
Haven't set up a swap, but epg is set to save to external usb pen drive.

That being the case, why would it use the internal flash or is it running out of memory?

19-07-10, 13:53
Have read your post and the replies on their forum.

What I find odd is the randomness of it.

I rebooted today, then downloaded skyIt and UK and it crashed.

Then I downloaded them both again, and another one and it was all fine.

If after every reboot I could download the same amount before crashing, it would make sense. But the fact I can reboot, then it can randomly crash during the 2nd download, or another time can do 5, makes me think there must be more to it than running out of space?

19-07-10, 18:00
Yep, that's my only gripe with the dream-elite image, and the fact that sometimes it goes really slow for no reason...

The best results I had for getting it to work, was to do the following:

Set up cron job to restart box at e.g. 5:57am
Set up each download of epg data starting a 6:00am, and put 1 minute difference between them all, through the blue -> red epg panel
Set up a cron job to restart enigma2 a minute after the last epg download
Set up a cron job to put the box in to standby 2 minutes after the restart of enigma2

This seemed to get virtually all of the epg data to download (would have a maximum of about 6 providers though)...

Still had random crashes though :(

Anyway, back to my topic.

It seems that the swapfile might've helped, as this morning the epg data downloaded all ok without any crashing...

19-07-10, 19:13
Yep, that's my only gripe with the dream-elite image, and the fact that sometimes it goes really slow for no reason...

The best results I had for getting it to work, was to do the following:

Set up cron job to restart box at e.g. 5:57am
Set up each download of epg data starting a 6:00am, and put 1 minute difference between them all, through the blue -> red epg panel
Set up a cron job to restart enigma2 a minute after the last epg download
Set up a cron job to put the box in to standby 2 minutes after the restart of enigma2

This seemed to get virtually all of the epg data to download (would have a maximum of about 6 providers though)...

Still had random crashes though :(

Anyway, back to my topic.

It seems that the swapfile might've helped, as this morning the epg data downloaded all ok without any crashing...

if you want mate, i could write you a bash script to do most of that for you with out needing to create multiple cron jobs. just let me now :) ( if you do post your cron file so i can exactly what commands you need to run.


19-07-10, 20:24
I did a script myself, and it didn't work for some reason... It caused the box to crash after only a couple of epg downloads...

This is the script that I had (obviously the first reboot had to be set as a seperate cron job, otherwise the rest of the commands wouldn't run after the restart):

Delitecmd extepg,Satmate_sky.UK,http://hqsatellite.com/satmate/skyuk_epg.dat.gz
sleep 60
Delitecmd extepg,Rytec-CSAT,http://www.xmltvepg.be/csat/epg.dat.gz
sleep 45
Delitecmd extepg,Rytec-NORDIC,http://www.xmltvepg.be/nordic/epg.dat.gz
sleep 45
Delitecmd extepg,Rytec_Dplus,http://www.xmltvepg.be/dplus/epg.dat.gz
sleep 45
Delitecmd extepg,Rytec_SKYDE,http://www.xmltvepg.be/germany/epg.dat.gz
sleep 45
Delitecmd extepg,Rytec-BE-NL,http://www.xmltvepg.be/benl/epg.dat.gz
sleep 45
Delitecmd extepg,Rytec_Poland,http://www.xmltvepg.be/poland/epg.dat.gz
sleep 45
Delitecmd extepg,SGC-NOVA_GR,http://sgcpm.com/epg/epg.dat.gz
sleep 45
Delitecmd restartenigma2
sleep 60
Delitecmd standby

So I had two cron jobs, one to reboot the box, and another to run this cron script. Permissions were set correctly for the script, but it just didn't like it...

19-07-10, 23:59
Another odd thing I'm finding is that even though my epg.dat file is stored on my harddrive (I can see the files been created via file manager), whenever I reboot, all epg data is lost? And I have to manually download again?

Might go back and try VTI or PLI again. But I have got used to my BH 1.2/1.3 Army Ghost Blue HD image

20-07-10, 09:09
Another odd thing I'm finding is that even though my epg.dat file is stored on my harddrive (I can see the files been created via file manager), whenever I reboot, all epg data is lost? And I have to manually download again?

Might go back and try VTI or PLI again. But I have got used to my BH 1.2/1.3 Army Ghost Blue HD image

the EPG dat work is this, the .dat file get cached (to enigma2 memory) on boot and the .dat gets deleted. and so on next boot there is no .dat file to load. so unless DE do something in there epg routine to make a backup for rebooting, then you will have to re-download everything again.

i don't use DE image so i can not confirm this, but if i where you, i would ask about this in the DE forum, as you might the answer from the devs.


20-07-10, 09:19
problem with DE is that this image do not store EPG data on HDD, which isnt good decision. That is why we are getting restarts and slow working. I also installed rytec EPG on DE but it works strangely slow. In OpenPLI rytec works alot better.

20-07-10, 11:23
problem with DE is that this image do not store EPG data on HDD, which isnt good decision. That is why we are getting restarts and slow working. I also installed rytec EPG on DE but it works strangely slow. In OpenPLI rytec works alot better.

Is rytec faster/slower/same on OpenPLI compared to VTi image?!

20-07-10, 13:02
Is rytec faster/slower/same on OpenPLI compared to VTi image?!

I'd say about the same.

20-07-10, 13:13
Dont know, iam not using VTi image.

Iam heavy EPG (skyit, uk, de, exyu, csat, nova etc.) user and i need 100% stable EPG system. DE fails here. OpenPLi works great in EPG section, so i am only using OpenPLi.