View Full Version : EPG - no detailed descriptions

25-11-11, 15:55
I have today the VIX 2.3 image installed.
Now I cannot get the detailed descriptions anymore.
The detailed descriptions are available, since the epg on the webif shows them.

I am using the magic skin.
In CoolTVguide they are available

What is wrong?


Rob van der Does
25-11-11, 16:27
Can you be more specific about where the description is not available (in which screen)? ViX-epg, channelview, single-EPG?
Maybe a screenshot?

25-11-11, 16:46
The webif screenshot
And the details from the single epg - screenshot.



25-11-11, 19:53
Also the box crashes when trying to access the CoolTV single epg.
Crashlog attached.


26-11-11, 02:56
CoolSingleEPG is not compatible with ViX, and and the author has closed his source code i can't fix it, sorry,

26-11-11, 09:31
CoolSingleEPG is not compatible with ViX, and and the author has closed his source code i can't fix it, sorry,

Good to know.

But I would like I solution to my first question. Could the detailed epg description in the detailed view be restored.
I tried to fix the skin for it, but no result.

I really, really want this. Wat is the point of me (as rytec member) trying to include details in the epg description if a new image refuses it to display them.


Rob van der Does
26-11-11, 10:00
But I would like I solution to my first question.
Of course you do. And as I said: we are looking into it.

Rob van der Does
26-11-11, 10:56
we are looking into it.
OK, we did, and it looks like this has been solved in the next update.
In the meantime you can use the attached version of the skin "Magic".

26-11-11, 11:46
It does seem that you did not solve it.
Got the wrong description (from the channel and program which is broadcasted at that moment)

See screenshot. This is not the description of Lewis.


Rob van der Does
26-11-11, 12:01
Well, it solved the issue for me.
If it doesn't for you, give me a detailed procedure to reproduce the issue: start-situation, what buttons to push, result and expected result.

26-11-11, 12:32
Press down button.
You come into the channel list.
Go to one channel (with up or downl buttons)
Press epg
select one show. (with up and downl buttons)
Press again epg


Rob van der Does
26-11-11, 13:21
Ahh, I didn't know you went to another channel.
That indeed doesn't work. And never will, as the info simply isn't available for EventView. EventView is only available for the present channel.
But: in the ChannelSelection itself you see the extended description of the selected channel (skin dependant).

26-11-11, 13:32
That indeed doesn't work. And never will,

In the previous version this worked!!!!!
It stopped working in this VIX 2.3 version. Why?

The error is present in any skin I tried, HD and SD skins.


26-11-11, 14:47
i can;t understand the issue everything is working here with no issues, what data grabber are you using ?
i am using OpenTV and everything works fine here doing you step by step.

Rob van der Does
26-11-11, 15:20
Doing some testing wit the present beta-images, and it looks like this has been resolved.
Will keep an eye on this.

Rob van der Does
26-11-11, 15:27
@ Andy:
I think you are using the beta-image for that. With the DUO on release 2.3 I can 100% reproduce Doglovers situation.

27-11-11, 08:44
As long as the situation is resolved, fine.
But, when can I see a solution? It is fine that you have no problem in your lab. But I want a solution in the field.


Rob van der Does
27-11-11, 09:16
It is fine that you have no problem in your lab.
Indeed it is. Thanks to Andy for this quick solution.

But, when can I see a solution? But I want a solution in the field.
A bit of patience please; as has been announced the updates for the VU-boxes are being withheld for one or tow weeks, as we are in the process of releasing 2.3 for the ET's. That now has our priority.

28-11-11, 16:19

I have found a sort of solution for my problem. (The problem is still there)
Changed the skin so I will rarely need the detailed info page.
You could use this skin for future releases. But I will continue to change a couple more screens as well. So this is work in progress.


30-11-11, 10:58
Improved version of the skin.


07-12-11, 16:08
Further to this problem, i found out a bit more details.

The EPG details are put in the screen with the "EventView" screen.
In this screen the details are given with the variable: <widget name="epg_description"

Now this has to be filled by enigma. It seems that this variable is filled with either the short description or when no short description exists the long description is used.

See the attached screen shots.

The variable "epg_description" has to be filled with both the short and long description. Be carefull I have seen these called: description, ExtentendDescription, FullDescription, DescriptionFull, DescriptionExtended and a few other terms.

The Eventview window is also used in the MovieSelection. Here also the the epg_description variable is not properly filled.


Rob van der Does
07-12-11, 17:55
It seems that this variable is filled with either the short description or when no short description exists the long description is used.
it should be the other way around.
This "epg_description" has been established just for that purpose.

08-12-11, 11:39
it should be the other way around.
This "epg_description" has been established just for that purpose.

Anyway, something is wrong here.


Rob van der Does
08-12-11, 11:42
Anyway, something is wrong here.
Sorry: what is wrong where?

08-12-11, 13:43
Sorry: what is wrong where?

How many times do I have to repeat myself. The epg descriptions are missing when a subtitle is used in the epg. Then the subtitle or short decription is only given in the EventView window.

Rob, when are are going to read the previous posts in this thread?

And for when is a solution?
How many times do I have to post this before action is taken?


Rob van der Does
08-12-11, 13:48
No need to repeat anything: just re-read the statement I made about this being solved in the next update..........

08-12-11, 14:21
No need to repeat anything: just re-read the statement I made about this being solved in the next update..........

And when will that be?


Rob van der Does
08-12-11, 14:41
LoL You know the answer to that, don't you?

It has been announced that VU-updates will be hold back until after the ET-2.3 release. And since that was last night.........

08-12-11, 17:11
the update already up :), did you not read the post i made ?

The ViX feeds will be down whilst we update them (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?13662-The-ViX-feeds-will-be-down-whilst-we-update-them)

09-12-11, 09:08

i read that, but did not realize this was the VU+ Duo image feed. Will test it now.


09-12-11, 09:17
Looks like the problem has been solved.
At least a quick check on two channels, with epg which had previous problems, showed the info correctely now.


15-12-11, 13:35
Reinstated a few missing pieces of info in the MovieSelection Screen:

<screen name="MovieSelection" position="center,center" size="720,576" backgroundColor="#000000" title="Movie Selection" flags="wfNoBorder">
<widget source="global.CurrentTime" render="Label" position="40,20" size="250,24" font="Regular;16" halign="left" foregroundColor="#FFFFFF" backgroundColor="#000000" transparent="1">
<convert type="ClockToText">Date</convert>
<ePixmap pixmap="skin_default/icons/clock.png" position="255,20" zPosition="1" size="14,14" alphatest="on" />
<widget source="global.CurrentTime" render="Label" position="270,20" size="80,20" font="Regular;18" foregroundColor="#FFFFFF" backgroundColor="#000000" shadowColor="#000000" halign="left" transparent="1">
<convert type="ClockToText">WithSeconds</convert>
<widget source="global.CurrentTime" render="Label" position="580,20" size="100,24" font="Regular;18" foregroundColor="#FFFFFF" backgroundColor="#000000" shadowColor="#000000" halign="right" transparent="1">
<convert type="ClockToText">Format:%d.%m.%Y</convert>
<eLabel text="Opname Selectie" position="300,20" size="380,28" font="Regular;18" foregroundColor="#FFFFFF" backgroundColor="#000000" shadowColor="#000000" halign="center" transparent="1" />
<widget source="session.VideoPicture" render="Pig" position="30,48" size="200,160" zPosition="3" backgroundColor="#ff000000" />
<widget name="list" fontName="Enigma" fontSizesOriginal="20,16,14" fontSizesCompact="18,14" fontSizesMinimal="20,16"
position="240,48" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" size="450,430" zPosition="2"/>
<widget font="Regular;22" halign="center" name="waitingtext" position="240,45" size="460,378" valign="center" zPosition="4"/>

<widget source="Service" render="Label" position="45,268" zPosition="1" size="195,222" font="Regular;16" foregroundColor="#00dddddd" backgroundColor="#000000" shadowColor="#000000" transparent="1" valign="top">
<convert type="EventName">ExtendedDescription</convert>
<widget source="Service" render="Label" position="45,230" zPosition="1" size="195,38" font="Regular;16" foregroundColor="#00dddddd" backgroundColor="#000000" shadowColor="#000000" transparent="1" valign="top">
<convert type="EventName">Description</convert>

<widget source="Service" render="Label" position="160,495" zPosition="2" size="275,22" font="Regular;17" valign="center" halign="left">
<convert type="MovieInfo">RecordServiceName</convert>
<widget font="Regular;17" position="45,495" size="100,22" render="Label" source="Service" valign="center" halign="left" transparent="1" zPosition="4">
<convert type="MovieInfo">FileSize</convert>

<widget name="freeDiskSpace" position="450,495" size="240,22" font="Regular;17" valign="center" halign="right" />
<eLabel position="0,490" size="720,2" backgroundColor="#FFFFFF" zPosition="5" />
<eLabel position="0,520" size="720,2" backgroundColor="#FFFFFF" zPosition="5" />

<widget name="key_red" position="50,528" size="160,27" font="Regular;18" backgroundColor="#9F1313" halign="center" valign="center" />
<widget name="key_green" position="210,529" size="150,26" font="Regular;18" backgroundColor="#00389416" halign="center" valign="center" />
<widget name="key_yellow" position="360,529" size="150,26" font="Regular;18" backgroundColor="#B59E01" halign="center" valign="center" />
<widget name="key_blue" position="510,528" size="160,27" font="Regular;18" backgroundColor="#1E28B6" halign="center" valign="center" />



Rob van der Does
16-12-11, 10:49
I took over most of your changes, thanks!