View Full Version : EPG Issue

23-11-11, 05:51
I am in NZ so it is a long shot that someone can help but here goes anyway. Using VIX 2.3 on a VU+ Duo with a legit Sky NZ card.

Scan of sat finds all channels. All EPG info comes direct from the sat. For SD channels EPG shows 8 day listings. The HD versions the channels only show now and next info. This is a pain as I have to set up a bouquet with SD versions and if I want to set a recording timer select the SD version of the channel, create the timer and then edit the record timer to the HD version of the channel. Doing it this way renders autotimers unusable.

Anyone got any ideas?

Rob van der Does
23-11-11, 06:56
Well, I can think of two possibilities:
1- The HD channels indeed only provide Now/Next. I'm not familiar with your local stuation, but maybe other people (using a "provider box") can tell that;
2- The data is encrypted (proprietary system).
Either way: not much to be done about it.

If an internet connection is available for the box: did you check if Cross-EPG or XMLTV has sources for you?

23-11-11, 10:12
Thanks for the suggestions Rob. The Sky NZ supplied decoder (in NZ you can only officially get the decoders from Sky) displays the epg fine. However maybe the boxes firmware just maps the epg info for the SD versions to the HD channels as the content being shown is identical. Crossepg and xmltv seem to only cater for Europe not us in the southern hemisphere but I am happy to be corrected here.

Anyway it was worth a shot.

Rob van der Does
23-11-11, 10:53
Crossepg and xmltv seem to only cater for Europe not us in the southern hemisphere but I am happy to be corrected here.

Anyway it was worth a shot.

Well, that is not completely true: more and more "foreign" info is sneaking into XMLTV, because there are more providers like yours. I suggest you make q request in the EPG-Support Section (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/forumdisplay.php?161-EPG-Support) of this forum. Maybe some "down-under" info is (or can be made) available as well.