View Full Version : uSHARE

20-11-11, 12:07
Is there a guide somewhere to set up uSHARE?
I have a VU+DUO (VIX 2.3) and an XBOX360 but I'm having no joy :confused:

20-11-11, 12:16
ushare in vix is enabled for ps3 dlna and xbox360 as default yr xbox should see it

i will try it later if i get time to see but it should see the shares straight away with default settings

unless yr using wifi network then you may need to change eth0 to wlan0

20-11-11, 12:30
Here's a screen shot


I cannot seem the start it :confused: pressing the green button doesn't seem to do anything fo me :(

20-11-11, 12:45
Here's a screen shot


I cannot seem the start it :confused: pressing the green button doesn't seem to do anything fo me :(

No me neither, my laptop can see it but cant do anything with it, on the vu in network browser I can see the laptop but again I can do nothing. the vu media player doesnt see my shared folders at all

20-11-11, 12:46
Here's a screen shot


I cannot seem the start it :confused: pressing the green button doesn't seem to do anything fo me :(

what does the log say ? (blue button)

20-11-11, 12:49
what does the log say ? (blue button)

Heres the screenshot :)


20-11-11, 12:50
what does the log say ? (blue button)

Mine says no shares available

20-11-11, 14:25
Mine says no shares available

in uShare, press RED (setup) the press GREEN to setup shares.

20-11-11, 14:38
in uShare, press RED (setup) the press GREEN to setup shares.

Tried that, ticked all 3 boxes HDD NET and USB individually and all at the same time and still nothing i.e no shares, incidentally the vu has now disappeared from my windows network but is still on the router, it is set as fully trusted through my Norton firewall - have rebooted run, network setup again and everything checks out ok

20-11-11, 14:54
Tried that, ticked all 3 boxes HDD NET and USB individually and all at the same time and still nothing i.e no shares, incidentally the vu has now disappeared from my windows network but is still on the router, it is set as fully trusted through my Norton firewall - have rebooted run, network setup again and everything checks out ok

just check folders that have media files in, i.e. /media/hdd/movie etc.

don't forget to restart uShare.

20-11-11, 15:04
I've managed to start it, but cannot see it on my xbox :(

20-11-11, 17:04
I ended up reflashing and I can now see it as a media device on my laptop, I can also see all my recorded movies in the media player library but cannot play any of them its just not streaming them.
Some things I came across whilst pulling my hair out with this:
if you select any new share locations they are added to the Share box, but you cannot remove them once they are in there, because of this I was getting the no shares available message in the log.(because somethings I had selected were not shared locations)
If I tried to delete my PC mount point the message box popped up saying it was removing the mount point but locked up the receiver with that message there although the TV program was running in the background the only thing I could do was change the volume, I left it there for over an hour at one stage before a power off reboot. Power off reboot was the only way to get back and running and the mount point I tried to remove still remained.
The Mount Again option in Network config does nothing at all.

20-11-11, 17:36
I ended up reflashing and I can now see it as a media device on my laptop, I can also see all my recorded movies in the media player library but cannot play any of them its just not streaming them.
Some things I came across whilst pulling my hair out with this:
if you select any new share locations they are added to the Share box, but you cannot remove them once they are in there, because of this I was getting the no shares available message in the log.(because somethings I had selected were not shared locations)
If I tried to delete my PC mount point the message box popped up saying it was removing the mount point but locked up the receiver with that message there although the TV program was running in the background the only thing I could do was change the volume, I left it there for over an hour at one stage before a power off reboot. Power off reboot was the only way to get back and running and the mount point I tried to remove still remained.
The Mount Again option in Network config does nothing at all.

in uShare

red (setup) then green (shares) then DEseletect the shares you do not want. and save.

20-11-11, 17:42
I can't figure out where I've gone wrong :eek:
I 'think' everthing is OK in VIX? But I cannot see anything on my xbox :confused:



20-11-11, 17:43
I can't figure out where I've gone wrong :eek:
I 'think' everthing is OK in VIX? But I cannot see anything on my xbox :confused:


make sue your xbox is looking at the correct port ?

20-11-11, 17:44
in uShare

red (setup) then green (shares) then DEseletect the shares you do not want. and save.

I did that, I even went through the parent directory to make sure nothing was selected in there, so all boxes clear then saved and still had a couple of things in the share box which remained even after a full restart.

20-11-11, 17:48
make sue your xbox is looking at the correct port ?

I don't think you can change that :confused:

20-11-11, 17:51
I did that, I even went through the parent directory to make sure nothing was selected in there, so all boxes clear then saved and still had a couple of things in the share box which remained even after a full restart.

did press RED in uShare setup screen perform the config save ? or did you press exit button ?

20-11-11, 17:55
did press RED in uShare setup screen perform the config save ? or did you press exit button ?

pressed Red and tried it several times, I have now done a full image backup and will try again to replicate it

Well I'll be damned I just tried it again and it worked fine.
Now back to mountpoints lol.

20-11-11, 20:12
Hello there,

I activated uShare as per this useful post: uShare server is running. I restarted the box.
But my Xbox says "not authorized to browse this server". It does see TVsersity and WMP 11 and play the movies well.

Not sure what Ia am doing wrong here. :(

Update: even my Panasonic 55VT30 sees the VIX 1 server; I can browse through folders, although I can not play .ts files. which I believe is a shortcoming of panny's media server. It shows 'file not supported'.

23-11-11, 12:05
Has anyone actually got this to work with an XBOX360? if so any chance of some screenshots?

23-11-11, 12:40
Its now working perfectly with all my devices but I had to reflash the image, I am just going out to buy an xbox for my son for xmas so will test it tomorrow :D

23-11-11, 12:53
Its now working perfectly with all my devices but I had to reflash the image, I am just going out to buy an xbox for my son for xmas so will test it tomorrow :D

Are you using wifi? My DUO 'says' its working but my xbox doesn't see it, can't see it on my PC either :(

When you say you reflashed it is that with a backup image you made or did you start from scratch?

23-11-11, 18:10
Yes using wifi I can see it on my laptop and 2 PS3's, as for reflashing I started from scratch and did not install any plugins except a couple of skins before I tested uShare. I am convinced that one of the plugins I originally had installed was causing some sort of conflict with the networking side of things.

24-11-11, 23:51
Try selecting just one share folder only. Its the only way I could get it to work.

26-11-11, 21:55

I've just been having a go with that Ushare and here are a few pointers which might help others.

On your hard drive create a folder in my case i called it ushare. In this folder create some symbolic links to your movies, music and photos.

something like this
ln -s /media/hdd/music /media/hdd/ushare/Music
ln -s /media/hdd/photos /media/hdd/ushare/Pictures
ln -s /media/hdd/movie /media/hdd/ushare/Videos

You can check now check these are linked to your folders using an ftp program like filezilla, if there correct when you clicked on the link you should be looking at the contents of the actual folder.

The next thing i've noticed my xbox don't see the vuduo until i stop the ushare service and start it from the command line using this.

ushare -x -D

After that it works and lists on my xbox, it must be something in the script to start the service which is not adding the -x when starting.


14-01-12, 11:33
Can this be used to watch live tv from the box on to the ps3?

14-01-12, 12:21
Also notice this won't actually start on my box.