View Full Version : Xtrend ViX ET Series images coming soon....

20-11-11, 06:26
To all our Xtrend users we'd like to let you know that you've not been forgotten ;)

Theres been a lot work going on behind the scenes with the ViX images. Due to some major issues with kernel 3.0.3 and being so close to release for the VU+ images, to avoid any further delays we decided not to upgrade the Xtrend kernel to 3.1 just in case the upgrade had an adverse affect to the OpenVIX GIT. We did not want to end up delaying both sets of images.

Our plan now is to wait a few days, keep an eye on the release threads for any bugs/issues found in the VU+ images and get them fixed with online updates. Providing nothing major is found we will commence work on the ET series images later this week, upgrading to the latest kernel and drivers. This should include an image for the Xtrend ET6000, providing we receive samples from Xtrend. Note the Xtrend images will not be released next week, they will need thorough testing first and will be released when ready. No date will be given.

We ask Xtrend users to please be patient and kindly refrain from posting where is it and when will it be released threads. Thread's like this really dont help the images get released any faster. As your most likely aware of, the ViX Team DO NOT rush images out just to say 'World Exclusive' or anything like that. We test thoroughly to ensure the images are bug free and stable as possible. Believe me, if we released 2.3 for Xtrend with kernel 3.0.3 you would NOT have been happy ;

Thank you very much for your patience.

20-11-11, 11:23
Quick bump so ET users see this thread.

20-11-11, 23:17
have another one.

21-11-11, 02:41
And another

Just to add guys i have 2 xtrends and beleive me the problems are there so much that i wish i could go back to 2.2.110 but i cant so i am like you waiting patently for a more stable image and hopefully the surviving part of my bitten ear will be left by the wife

07-12-11, 20:16
i wish i could go back to 2.2.110 but i cant

Why not.....?

07-12-11, 21:32
cant be done once new bootloader flashed

and no we have tried bootloader cant be downgraded or even flash the 2.2 image with any form of hack they all been tested and none work

07-12-11, 21:48
cant be done once new bootloader flashed

and no we have tried bootloader cant be downgraded or even flash the 2.2 image with any form of hack they all been tested and none work

Yup, tried, tried and tried... Best I could managed was it would boot, but would then come up with a paddy and flip out before showing any channel selection, and go in to a reboot loop...

Let's just hope there's no delays in the image release :eek: :eek: :eek: