View Full Version : Apple Fires Employees That Criticize Brand on Facebook, Twitter

03-11-11, 17:38

It will likely come as no big surprise to many that Apple reportedly maintains a strict - and I mean strict - policy when it comes to social media usage among its employees. According to published reports this week, Apple will fire any employee who utters a negative word about the company and its brand through social media channels like Facebook and Twitter.

"In general," reads a new report from ifoAppleStore.com, "Apple retail employees are allowed to post on the Internet, but cannot include the company’s name or mention their employment at Apple." News of Apple's stringent policy surfaced following an employee's termination after posting critical comments about Apple online. The Apple employee in question (named Crisp) appealed to a UK labor advocacy following his dismissal for “gross misconduct.”

Jamie Hamnett of the law firm Addleshaw Goddard LLP says Apple “made it absolutely plain throughout the induction process that commentary on Apple products, or critical remarks about the brand, were strictly prohibited.”

Hammett noted that the tribunal took into account that such comments “would be particularly damaging for Apple as image is so central to its success.” Therefore, “Apple successfully argued that it was justified and proportionate to limit this right (of posting) in order to protect its commercial reputation against potentially damaging posts.”

Although Apple isn't issuing formal comment on the matter, the company maintains that all employees are advised during training that they will, indeed, be axed if they violate Apple's social media policy.

03-11-11, 17:40
well thats staff but whats apple gonna do about the general public

apple have screwed up all by them selves and the public is well aware of it

03-11-11, 18:33
my boss used to go nuts at me for posting about how much i hated working for them on facebook, even though

A) on facebook, im still digidude, not my real name
B) i NEVER once mentioned WHO i actually worked for (people know what i DO, but not even my family actually know who i do it FOR)
and C) i only every slag off the organisational and communicational skills (or complete lack of them) of the company

i eventually solved the problem by deleting the boss and his wife from my friends list

i still slag work off all the time though lmao