View Full Version : how do I access files from my PC to VU+?

29-10-11, 15:26

first of all let me tell you that I am a totally newbie, so bear with me!! I managed to connect the box to the network and shared the external hard drives where I have music and films correctly, but how can I actually play them on the VU+?? I mean, the VU+ shows the drivers on the network list, but nothing more?
Do I need a special plugin???


29-10-11, 17:47
Select Media Player
they'll all be listed there.

regards: canthackit

29-10-11, 18:04
Don't bother with the media player, hit the recorded movies button and than press yellow for location and navigate to your NAS drive, you will than be able to play them back as if they were local recordings. Media player is a bit shite imho.

Once done you will need to reset the location to your HDD otherwise people wont be able to watch anything locally.

30-10-11, 09:32
ok stanman;)

i've never had any problems with MP personally.

regards: canthackit

31-10-11, 21:25
I have no problem with VLC player. If you want to you can copy it to the PC and play it with VLC.

01-11-11, 13:28
Or you could follow this guide written by Iris Chris, worked perfectly for me....


I could never get the files/folders to be recognised, although i could see the laptop. Once i followed the above guide though i can now access the files on my laptop and stream them to the VU