View Full Version : Phase 2 of 3D TV Confirmed by DVB

24-10-11, 23:57
Following on from the 'Frame Compatible' format as used by the likes of Sky 3D, the Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) consortium has approved the second 3D TV delivery format known as ‘Service Compatible’.

The ‘Service Compatible’ format allows 2D and 3D versions of a programme to be broadcast within the same signal. This means new ‘Service Compatible’ format 3D televisions and set top boxes will be able to receive 3D broadcasts whilst existing 2D televisions will only display the 2D version (either the left or right frame from the stereo pair).

Phase one, known as ‘Frame Compatible’, enabled broadcasters such as 3net, ESPN3D and Sky 3D to start transmitting 3D channels to existing HD set top boxes. This second approach is to be known as DVB-3DTV 'Phase 2a' and the technical specifications are due to be completed before summer 2012.

For broadcasters wanting to continue broadcasting in the ‘Frame Compatible’ format, the DVB are looking into a new phase known as 'Phase 2b' which will improve the picture quality of 3D broadcasts.