View Full Version : What login, pass through FTP??

06-07-10, 15:57
What login, pass through FTP?? In TM800HD

06-07-10, 15:59
sorry wrong receiver

06-07-10, 16:16
login= root
Pass= nothing you need to make one with technomate control center v6 works ok, use passwd in ftp to change it to somthing you like more than 1 letter thow or DCC will not recognise.

06-07-10, 22:19
Technomate 800HD
For a DCC login - root??
Which pass -??
Can not go to the reciver

06-07-10, 22:43
Sorry figured out

07-07-10, 07:46
Can you post your result to let others know of whom may come across this issue also

08-07-10, 11:52
Ok to change the password you need to use technomate control center but only use numbers iE 12345 do not make it any longer than 5 numbers and no letters and change the same as before this works. Buzzin!

08-07-10, 16:50
Ok to change the password you need to use technomate control center but only use numbers iE 12345 do not make it any longer than 5 numbers and no letters and change the same as before this works. Buzzin!
Sorry this post is for the 7/7/2010 standby/Password fix Patch.