View Full Version : Free Sat

20-10-11, 13:43
Hi each

Can anyone tell me how I can set up my VU Duo+ to see the freesat channels

20-10-11, 13:55
the freesat channels are transmitted on the sky uk network at 28.2 east so as long as you can receive that network you will get all the freesat channels except channel 5 and some of the HD channels as they require a sky uk FTV card or a old discontinued white sky card.

20-10-11, 13:59
the freesat channels are transmitted on the sky uk network at 28.2 east so as long as you can receive that network you will get all the freesat channels except channel 5 and some of the HD channels as they require a sky uk FTV card or a old discontinued white sky card.


Where would I get one of these cards and would I simply place it in the card slot in my receiver?

20-10-11, 14:14
you can either buy one from sky them selves or from ebay but beware if you buy from ebay you could end up buying a totally dead card.
now to use the card you would need to use a softcam but we can get to that as and when you have a card.

20-10-11, 17:21
Do I just phone SKY an order one?

20-10-11, 17:39
yeah mate ask em for a FTV card will cost about £25

but you will need a official sky box as you need it to be paired for it to activate

after that you can use it in yr linux box

20-10-11, 17:52
yeah mate ask em for a FTV card will cost about £25

but you will need a official sky box as you need it to be paired for it to activate

after that you can use it in yr linux box


I buy a FTV card from Sky
Take the existing card out of my sky box (located in another room)
Put new card in sky box
Phone Sky to pair it before moving it to my VU+duo box

? will this not stop my other card working ?

20-10-11, 18:03
yes that is what u do but you need a second receiver as you are correct it will stop yr original card working as only 1 card can be paired to one box

20-10-11, 18:15
any white deactivated sky uk card will be ok providing it has not been completely deactivated.

you can get one on ebay for a few quid.

20-10-11, 21:18
any white deactivated sky uk card will be ok providing it has not been completely deactivated.

you can get one on ebay for a few quid.

Yes but from previous replies I need another sky box and a card so making the excersise a bit expensive !

26-10-11, 16:03
yeah mate ask em for a FTV card will cost about £25

but you will need a official sky box as you need it to be paired for it to activate

after that you can use it in yr linux box

Are you sure about that ?

I moved my SKY card to the VU and with soft cam setup and pointing to the top slot I got ITV HD 2,3, etc which I could not previously !
So from this I conclude if I get a FTV card there would be no need to pair it with a SKY box to get the extra HD channels.

Or have I got this wrong ?

26-10-11, 16:11
Are you sure about that ?

I moved my SKY card to the VU and with soft cam setup and pointing to the top slot I got ITV HD 2,3, etc which I could not previously !
So from this I conclude if I get a FTV card there would be no need to pair it with a SKY box to get the extra HD channels.

Or have I got this wrong ?

those channels are FTV and as such not considered as premium channels. however a brand new card from sky comes not activated so you would need to pair it to a sky box to activate it.

Yes but from previous replies I need another sky box and a card so making the excersise a bit expensive !

as i said you can just buy a previously deactivated white sky card for a few quid from ebay and as it's already been activated previously you will not need a sky box to pair it with for FTV. unless of course it is totally dead.

29-10-11, 12:17
any white deactivated sky uk card will be ok providing it has not been completely deactivated.

you can get one on ebay for a few quid.

OK Pheonix , I have got a white sky card from eBay which was advertised as a "SKY/FREESAT working white sky card"

how do I proceed to get all the Freesat Channels on my VU+

29-10-11, 12:24
Need to install cccam or oscam on your box and a CFG file in /etc and the FTV channels will work.


29-10-11, 12:24
just put the card into one of the card slots ( making sure you have the chip the right way round ) and start CCcam. you wont need to put any thing into the .cfg file as it's a FTV card however it could take up to a day or two for the entitlements to update on the card.

29-10-11, 12:47
just put the card into one of the card slots ( making sure you have the chip the right way round ) and start CCcam. you wont need to put any thing into the .cfg file as it's a FTV card however it could take up to a day or two for the entitlements to update on the card.

I already have the CCcam working and box key etc as I can move my existing sky card from my sky box into my VU and get all my sky package ok, this is set up on the top slot.

So I shall put into slot 2 and leave untill entitlements update as they are not there at moment.

29-10-11, 12:51
Take your existing card out and put this in the same slot, than press blue button and ccaminfo and entitlements - are there any dates in there?

29-10-11, 13:00
I already have the CCcam working and box key etc as I can move my existing sky card from my sky box into my VU and get all my sky package ok, this is set up on the top slot.

So I shall put into slot 2 and leave untill entitlements update as they are not there at moment.

as i said it could take a few hours to a few days for the entitlements to update on the card all you can do is be patient.

29-10-11, 13:13
Take your existing card out and put this in the same slot, than press blue button and ccaminfo and entitlements - are there any dates in there?

OK I put card into top slot

No dates it reports following

card reader /dev/sci0
handled 0(0) ecms and 0(0) emms
Nds card xxxxxxx ( notsure if I should publish those hex numbers)
Entitlement info

card reader /dev/sci1
no or unknowncard inserted

29-10-11, 13:21
No entitlements, it needs to be updated, leave it in and should be sorted in a few hours.

29-10-11, 15:48
Out of interest the update comes via the astra satellite I presume so are sky constanly scanning cards and updating them ?

Also I bought the card described as working so I hope it is. How would a card get totaly deactivated and why ?

29-10-11, 15:53
I don't know, think they do it in batches, a FTV card is unlikely to be totally knackered unless the Eprom is broken. You will have to leave it in the box to get the update, might need to ring sky to send it update out again.

31-10-11, 16:05
I don't know, think they do it in batches, a FTV card is unlikely to be totally knackered unless the Eprom is broken. You will have to leave it in the box to get the update, might need to ring sky to send it update out again.

OK, I have waited a while and still no action so if I phone sky will they update it if they know it's not in a sky box ?

31-10-11, 17:03
as i said mate it could take a couple of days you just have to wait it out and see, as for phoning sky, you would have to give them details from the card and they would know your not the person the card was originally assigned to and if you do have a sub with them on another card it could look a little suspicious to them.

05-11-11, 14:06

The card has been in for a week now with no update so what do you reckon? ask for a refund from my white card eBay purchase? Or can I try something else? :confused:

05-11-11, 14:41
I contacted the seller on eBay of this card and he tells me

"This card in on their (sky) old database and cannot be updated"

he is giving me a refund but my question now is how can you tell which white sky cards to buy that can will be updated?

05-11-11, 20:16
I contacted the seller on eBay of this card and he tells me

"This card in on their (sky) old database and cannot be updated"

he is giving me a refund but my question now is how can you tell which white sky cards to buy that can will be updated?

I think thats crock, the white cards are the ones currently in use and unless its faulty, than it can be updated by Sky.

Sky sell the freesat cards for £25, just buy one of those and update it via CCcam - it works, my old card is FTV and it lost entitlements in Oscam, left it overnight in a box with CCcam and it updated fine.

05-11-11, 20:45
I think thats crock, the white cards are the ones currently in use and unless its faulty, than it can be updated by Sky.

Sky sell the freesat cards for £25, just buy one of those and update it via CCcam - it works, my old card is FTV and it lost entitlements in Oscam, left it overnight in a box with CCcam and it updated fine.

yes but that card was previously activated, as far as i am aware any new card from sky will come de-activated and would require pairing to a sky box to activate it in the first place.

05-11-11, 20:46
I think thats crock, the white cards are the ones currently in use and unless its faulty, than it can be updated by Sky.

Sky sell the freesat cards for £25, just buy one of those and update it via CCcam - it works, my old card is FTV and it lost entitlements in Oscam, left it overnight in a box with CCcam and it updated fine.

I understand that if I buy one from SKY then to activate it it has to be paired to a sky box and if I do that my existing subscribed card ceases to work.

I am getting confused ! Is this not correct ?

05-11-11, 20:56
I understand that if I buy one from SKY then to activate it it has to be paired to a sky box and if I do that my existing subscribed card ceases to work.

I am getting confused ! Is this not correct ? Do you not have any family or friends with a unused sky decoder that you can use to pair the card to.

06-11-11, 13:23
I am begining to think this is the best way forward i.e. buy an old sky box and buy a FTA card from SKy. :)
With my luck to date the card will be too new for the old box !:confused:

06-11-11, 13:25
I am begining to think this is the best way forward i.e. buy an old sky box and buy a FTA card from SKy. :)
With my luck to date the card will be too new for the old box !:confused:

providing it's a sky digital receiver it will be fine, i have one of the oldest digiboxes they produced and the white card works fine. although i cant say why the white card you bought would not activate unless it was totally dead becaus ewhen sky turn a card off ( ie subscription cancelled ) it can still be used as a FTV card as thats what i use my old multiroom card for.

07-11-11, 06:55
A few weeks back my fta card stopped updating I was using oscam to update the card I also tried cccam but still no update so I put the card in original box and got the message the card was in the wrong box I ended up ringing sky to reactive the card in the original box, the card just updated the other day in my vu using oscam and mgcamd.


07-11-11, 10:52
Thanks to all who have contributed to this thread.

Lessons learned:
Do not rely on descriptions on eBay, there seem to be a lot of people selling white sky cards they don't understand and cannot guarantee as working.
If you want Free sat you can buy a Free Sat box for <60
To be sure and get your VU working with a white sky card (is there any other way?) you need a Sky FTA Card from Sky and a sky box which need matching together successfully before transfer to your VU box.
It seems that if a sky card is matched to a box then a susequent card is then matched to that same box then the first card ceases to work.

07-11-11, 14:23
Thanks to all who have contributed to this thread.

Lessons learned:
Do not rely on descriptions on eBay, there seem to be a lot of people selling white sky cards they don't understand and cannot guarantee as working.
If you want Free sat you can buy a Free Sat box for <60
To be sure and get your VU working with a white sky card (is there any other way?) you need a Sky FTA Card from Sky and a sky box which need matching together successfully before transfer to your VU box.
It seems that if a sky card is matched to a box then a susequent card is then matched to that same box then the first card ceases to work.
Your last bit is wrong, the sky card will still work in a third party receiver as long as it continues to update but will not work on the orginal box until it is re paired with it can of course be paired with another sky box as well.

07-11-11, 14:25
as stanman said. the card will not cease to work but it will no longer be paired to it's sky box, until you re-pair it.

07-11-11, 16:52
So these people who are selling all these cards as working are using (or could) one box to pair all the cards and then selling them on? I would have thought SKY would soon realise this was happening ! Or have they got an endless supply of old boxes to pair cards with? Or have I misunderstood yet again :confused:

07-11-11, 16:59
No its more like they are from people who have previously had a paid for subscription but now cancelled that and are selling the card on as FTV

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk

07-11-11, 17:37
No its more like they are from people who have previously had a paid for subscription but now cancelled that and are selling the card on as FTV

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk