View Full Version : how to see the vu duo hdd on pc

14-10-11, 22:20
hi im wondering how you get to access the vu duos hdd from the pc, i used to be able to do it throug the BM750 thing but thats away somehow ??? does anyone know how to get it back, or how to mount a hdd and link it to pc ??
thanx in advnce

14-10-11, 22:24
you can see the hdd in windows in betwork manager just fine without doing anthing extra look here


14-10-11, 22:37
yes same as silverfox. in windows 7 x64 under network my uno shows fine with no need for me to do any thing.

15-10-11, 00:34
thanx for the replys mines used to show up in the network bit but a few days ago it disapeaared for some reason ?? i was able to copy and paste films from vu duo to pc the up them online later

im using w7 64 too mabey i will do a quick restore to a few days ago when it was ok thanx for trying to help though :)

15-10-11, 15:34

I too am using Win7 64 bit and Explorer mostly works fine for me - usually for months at a time. But I sometimes find that my Vu+ Duo and NAS disappear from Windows Explorer from time to time and for no apparent reason. What works for me is to type the network address into the Windows Explorer address bar and hit return ie \\BM750 or \\IPADDRESSOFYOURVU. Explorer finds my Duo straight away and it is once again listed under "Networks".

if that doesn't work then probably worth trying to ping your receiver to see that you have not got any connection problems.

Let us know how it goes.
