View Full Version : Canamedia to Make Majority of New Shows in 3D (VIDEO)

12-10-11, 23:20
Mike Lolato, Managing Director of Worldwide Broadcast Sales from Canamedia, believes by MIPCOM next year, there will be a huge demand for 3D content, hence the distribution/production company’s decision to film the majority of new shows in 3D moving forward.

Speaking to 3D Focus TV during MIPCOM, Mike Lolato said there was an increaded interest from buyers compared to MIPTV in April this year.

In the interview he said “There is genuine interest – when we started [3D] last market it was still an exploratory phase for everybody and only a few channels had launched.” He continued… “What we have come to realise is that there are certain programmes that are just so much more enhanced in 3D ie. architecture or carnivals, the sort of stuff we are doing.”

During MIPCOM, Canamedia were showcasing four new 3D programmes including Ice Hotel 3D – a one off 1 hour programme which takes an indepth look Quebec City’s Ice Hotel – a 36 suite hotel made entirely of ice. Also, episode 1 of a 13 part travel series, The World’s Greatest Carnivals 3D, takes viewers to Quebec’s Winter Carnival. The next epiode is expected to feature the New Orleans Mardi Gras.

Mike was highly optimistic about the future.

“We are pushing forward and selling programmes and doing everything in 3D now because that’s going to be the way of the future. Everybody is going to have a 3D TV in their home in a few years.”

When asked who Canamedia are seeking to do deals with Mike replied, "We have been in talks with all of them [3D channels], especially Sky 3D. We seem to be doing a lot of stuff that’s much in align with them and we really like the stuff that they are doing.” He continued … There is no question that there is going to be a huge demand for 3D content. I have no doubt that everybody is going to need the content by this time next year, so we are putting everything in the vaults and we will have all the materials ready to go!”

Since the video interview was recorded, Mike Lolato has told 3D Focus " As for MIPCOM and 3D, I found that MIPTV was truly the first serious foray for everyone in the 3D market – mainly because the 3D channels had launched and were already airing content. This market (MIPCOM), the 3D channels and buyers were more focused on what they were looking for. The personalities of each of the channels are starting to come through and they are different. I think MIPCOM separated the serious 3D producers from the `jump on the bandwagon` producers. 3D is an artform and requires a specific mindset and shooting style – it is not just creating a 3D image".
