View Full Version : VU+ Duo - Vix Image - Play movie from packed rar files?

11-10-11, 00:27
Hey all!
really love my VU+ Duo box for 6 months now....its a 'dream' compared to my old starview!!
Thanks to all poosters who help me get my system setup

I am not sure but along time before i got the VU i saw a plugin for enigma that would allow movie playback whilst still contained in a .rar file(s)???
I am not sure but it could of been on a Azbox forum but cannot seem to find it again...(i could of imagined it however!! lol)
does such a plugin exist for enigma 2/ Vix?
I use XBMC a lot and it plays back video from 'rar' files :-)


11-10-11, 10:01
Almost 100% sure there's no such plugin for the VU series.

12-10-11, 22:19
i think you might be talking about Llink media streamer but thats for the azbox i dont think it works with duo or enigma2 at that

Llink is a media streamer that let's you play movies, view online trailers, browse images or play music over a network using the http protocol. It should work with most Syabas NMT hardware (NetworkedMediaTank middleware based players), such as the Popcorn Hour A- and B-series, HDX, iSTAR, Egreat a whole range of others, possibly even a couple of older ones like the LinkTheater. Some of the best reasons to run llink is that it can run on a great many platforms, including most popular NAS devices - even on the NMT player itself - and it can play media directly from RAR files.

26-10-11, 18:54
thanks for that!

i did read it then but was for Azbox....oh well ...back XBMC for me! :-)