View Full Version : 16East problem with Duo

Mr. Mister
09-10-11, 17:05
Hi guys..

ok.. i have had this problem for longer than i care to remember.. I have posted here before about this.. and tried everything without success..

So.. The basic`s are..

1 Duo connected to a motorized dish.. Receives all sats no probs at all.. Apart from 16 east..

If i remove the duo and replace it with a DM800 SE.. with DBUK image on it.. all the same set up.. ie.. bouquets etc etc etc.. I can pick up 16 east with no problems at all..

I originally thought this could be a fault with one of my duo`s.. So i have moved all my duo`s around and set them up on my mototized dish.. and every single one has the same problem.. No 16 east..

So if anyone can tell me whats wrong with the duo`s.. as there are no probs with the DM800 SE..

Thanks for any help given..

09-10-11, 17:53
Are you using the same satellite.xml in each image ? I can get 16e Ok with my Duo.

Mr. Mister
09-10-11, 21:39
Yes buddy.. Same xml file..

09-10-11, 21:54
if your listings referr to 16 east as 15.8 east, you need a new xml file
1 west is the other probmatic listing as well

Mr. Mister
09-10-11, 22:07
Hi Basil
Thanks for your post.
No buddy.. Thats not the answer either.. I have tried that..

The problem sees to be signal strength.. On the SE i can get 65-70%

But on all 5 duo`s i can only get 5-15% snr

hope this helps

09-10-11, 22:29
5 duo,s...bl**dy *ell, thought I was the crazy one

16 east is always a bit funny, but if you get 65/70% on a non duo unit,
have you tried this,...get the sig strenght on the "good" unit
then set the duo to single sat on 16 east, and use the same coax cable, and see what happens sig wise,

Mr. Mister
09-10-11, 22:51
Hi Basil..

I not really sure what you have advised on this one..

Please can you explain more please.. ??

09-10-11, 22:59
simply, once you have a reading of 65/70%

set one of your vu units to single sat ( 16 east ) then connect the coax cable in use by the "good" unit
the reason is,...if the sig strength is good using the good unit, the common demoniter is the lnb/cable

the reason for "single sat set to 16 east" is so the unit does not try to move the dish, and ensure that its trying to connect to 16 east,...also
before you do this, check the freq settings on the good unit..write them down
and make sure the same settings are used on the test VU unit

this way, all test will be linear, so you will then get a clear result, ie...its the unit at fualt, or the lnb/coax cable

Mr. Mister
10-10-11, 00:18
Thanks Basil..

Im gonna do this 1st thing in the morning.. and report back with the findings..

thanks again..

10-10-11, 00:26
yes,..think it will give a clear result, good or bad, but at least it will pin point the issue

10-10-11, 02:08
Make sure your long/lat are the same for each unit.Maybe a shot in the dark.Good luck

10-10-11, 06:21
@ Mr Mister

i found that problem with the VIX images, all i did was open the satellite.xml file and edited out the 15.8E so it read 16.0E Eutelsat W2 upload the file restart enigma2.

regards: canthackit

Mr. Mister
10-10-11, 16:32
@ Basil..
That did not work either buddy.. I had perfect picture on the SE.. Made sure dish did not move.. and connected 3 different duo`s.. and give them all 1 single satellite.. ( 16East ).. but still no picture at all.. and the snr was the same as before.. ( 5-20% )

@ sluggsy..
Thanks for your post.. Yes.. Both boxes defo have the same lat and long..

@ canyhackit..
I have done that also.. I have even tried a few different images as well.. just to rule that out.. and the out-come is still the same..
Its dont matter if im using Vix.. or VTI.. or original images.. Its all the same..

I have even tried the new DBUK duo image.. to see if that makes a difference as thats whats on the SE.. ( Im currently beta testing the DBUK duo image.. ).. and still no channels on 16 East..

10-10-11, 16:40
FTP into Duo, post the satellites.xml in etc/tuxbox and check if theres one in /etc/enigma2

Mr. Mister
10-10-11, 17:04
Hi Sic.. Thanks for the reply..

no buddy.. No enigma2

There are 2 folders and 4 files in there..



You want me to post my satellites.xml file.. ??

10-10-11, 17:05
So you satellites.xml is in /etc/tuxbox?

Yes please post it.

10-10-11, 17:15
Hi Sic.. Thanks for the reply..

no buddy.. No enigma2

There are 2 folders and 4 files in there..



You want me to post my satellites.xml file.. ??

just for reference mate if your using a pli based image such as VIX and DBUK for that matter you will have the base / stock satellites.xml file in etc/tuxbox as with all other images but with pli and pli based images you can also put a satellites.xml file into etc/enigma2 and this will then over ride the default location.

10-10-11, 17:22
@ canyhackit..
I have done that also.. I have even tried a few different images as well.. just to rule that out.. and the out-come is still the same..
Its dont matter if im using Vix.. or VTI.. or original images.. Its all the same.

i really thought i'd sussed it mate :confused: i'll shall think on :thumbsup:

regards: canthacit

Mr. Mister
10-10-11, 17:29
Sorry Sic.. There is an etc > enigma2

you want that uploaded as well..??

sats.xml file attached..

10-10-11, 17:35
i cant really see any thing wrong with the satellites.xml file mate it references 16.0 as so

<sat name="Eurobird 16A / Eutelsat Sesat / Eutelsat W2M (16.0)" flags="1" position="160">

where as catseyes bouquets reference it as 15.8 as so

<sat name="Eurobird 16A / Eutelsat Sesat / Eutelsat W2M (15.8)" flags="1" position="158">

Mr. Mister
10-10-11, 17:37
just for reference mate if your using a pli based image such as VIX and DBUK for that matter you will have the base / stock satellites.xml file in etc/tuxbox as with all other images but with pli and pli based images you can also put a satellites.xml file into etc/enigma2 and this will then over ride the default location.

Hi Pheonix.. Thanks for reply..

I have just ftp`d the satellites.xml file into enigma2 folder.. and this just grayed out all channels on 16 East..
so i have to remove it again..

Mr. Mister
10-10-11, 17:38
just for reference mate if your using a pli based image such as VIX and DBUK for that matter you will have the base / stock satellites.xml file in etc/tuxbox as with all other images but with pli and pli based images you can also put a satellites.xml file into etc/enigma2 and this will then over ride the default location.

Hi Pheonix.. Thanks for reply..

I have just ftp`d the satellites.xml file into enigma2 folder.. and this just grayed out all channels on 16 East..
so i have to remove it again..

10-10-11, 17:39
did you do a reboot after putting the file into the enigma2 folder ? as it needs to be rebooted so that the system can take it's directions from the new location.

maybe try putting the xml from catseyes satellite.xml file in the enigma2 folder and do a reboot to see of that helps.

Mr. Mister
10-10-11, 18:27
yep.. done a reboot.. and no change..

I will try cateyes xml file now.. and report back..


Mr. Mister
10-10-11, 18:37
ok.. tried cateyes xml file.. done a restart and still no change..

This is turning out to be a toughy.. lol

10-10-11, 23:53
on the catseye listings, 16 easr + 15.8 east

you need to go into sat config, and re setup the used sats...and add 15.8 east

11-10-11, 05:41
Re-ftp as fresh set of Cateyes settings. In dbedit change the path of the satellites.xml to /etc/eingma2/ Then reboot. If you tuner is set to USALs you should be fine, if not do as basil advises.

11-10-11, 07:14
i cant really see any thing wrong with the satellites.xml file mate it references 16.0 as so

<sat name="Eurobird 16A / Eutelsat Sesat / Eutelsat W2M (16.0)" flags="1" position="160">

where as catseyes bouquets reference it as 15.8 as so

<sat name="Eurobird 16A / Eutelsat Sesat / Eutelsat W2M (15.8)" flags="1" position="158">

16.0E should read as the only entry......... <sat name="16.0E Eutelsat W2M" flags="1" position="160">

hope this helps.

regards: canthackit

11-10-11, 08:05
16.0E should read as the only entry......... <sat name="16.0E Eutelsat W2M" flags="1" position="160">

hope this helps.

regards: canthackit

it really does not matter what you leave as the name you could call it Micky Mouse and it would still work providing the flags and position entries are correct and it matches up on your receiver.

11-10-11, 19:40
there that's told me :(