View Full Version : Vu Duo just died.

07-10-11, 12:44
The latest beta drivers have killed my VU+ Duo, problem started as soon as I installed these drivers, wouldn't switch on, reverted back to the old drivers started acting weird.Today, 2 days after installing those beta drivers my VU Duo is dead.

I've disconnected the hard drive, no joy, had the vix image on a usb stick in the front and back no joy.
All I get is a little red LED light on the display panel.

To say I'm gutted is an under statement.

PS I would advise anyone to stay away from the new beta drivers !

07-10-11, 12:48
i have always used the beta drivers my self and once or twice i have had a problem with the box hanging on reboot but it was always easily recovered. i would very much doubt the drivers have killed the box as even though they are Beta Vu test them extensively them selves before publishing them and ive personally never heard of a case of the drivers permanently killing a box.

07-10-11, 12:49
Have you tried a reflash with a null modem cable?

07-10-11, 13:01
No not yet, but there is a post on here where the guy had the same problem, at the end of the thread someone has replied by saying it needs to be returned as the boot up is corrupt.
I iz gutted.

07-10-11, 13:02
Power it down and leave off for ten minutes and try with a different usb stick.

07-10-11, 13:05
I'll try anything Stan The Man, cheers m8.

07-10-11, 13:42
After installing beta drivers you usally have an issue with your box not re-booting leave it turned on open a telnet session and type the code depmod -a then restart your box this always works for me

07-10-11, 13:58
All is working again, had everything disconnected for about 30 mins, connected everything back up and it booted into action, tried 3 different usb sticks now, none are being detected.
2 Corsair, 1 kingston.

07-10-11, 14:12
Have the sticks been formatted? If so how?

07-10-11, 14:13
i am very very chuffed you got it booting again bud, as i said before these boxes are almost indestructible.

07-10-11, 14:15
Stan the man, in my hour of being stressed I never dragged across the vuplus folder, just the duo folder :-(, so hence the reason none were being detected, clown of the day goes to moi me thinks...lol

07-10-11, 14:17
Stan the man, in my hour of being stressed I never dragged across the vuplus folder, just the duo folder :-(, so hence the reason none were being detected, clown of the day goes to moi me thinks...lol

lol when these things happen i find it best to go for a cuppa or a walk then come back with a clear head, as you tend to forget even the basics when you start to panic at the prospect of a dead ( expensive ) receiver.

07-10-11, 14:48
Great your sorted mate. I had a similar experence yesterday. Bootlader did not appear to flash and tried three different sticks- same result. In the end found out it was only taking a few seconds and i was expecting longer flash:D

It had flashed first time but it makes you doubt yourself.

07-10-11, 19:05
Cheers all, did a fresh install of the latest Vix image to be on the safe side :-), touch wood, all good :-)