View Full Version : Oscam and Sky

05-10-11, 14:02
Is there a dummies guide on how to set up oscam with a FTV sky card to get Pick TV?

Is it possible to do without a boxkey as I don't have a sky box?

05-10-11, 15:46

This is how I got my sky card working under Blackhole, but should work ok for VIX. If you use a later version of Oscan/CCcam combo like the one I have suggested then you won't need your boxkey/boxid. This will clear Pick TV and also Premier Sports (for those that subscribe).

First of all, I went to my plugin menu and downloaded/installed TSpanel. Once TSpanel is running I used the bottom menu item, Emu Manager and then press the "install" option. I chose oscam-cccam2.1.3-0.1 and installed this. You should be able to now have the option to see oscam/cccam where you set your default cam. In Blackhole it is via the Blue panel

The next step is to make your own working version of the following files:


On my box, CCcam.cfg is in the /etc folder (Make sure you name the file exactly like it is written there).
The other three files should be in /etc/tuxbox/config (you will likely find that these files are already present from where you installed oscam/cccam. There will likely also be a whole load of other files in there which are used for other features in Oscam but I just left them as they were.

Here are the contents of my four files:

This for Sky UK card in upper card slot.


BOXKEY: /dev/sci0 XX XX XX XX

N: 12000 test1 test2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256

(I left my boxkey in initially so that this file would work with both CCcam alone or OscamCCcam but you can remove that line later if you want, once you get it all working)


nice = -1
WaitForCards = 1
logfile = stdout
preferlocalcards = 1
saveinithistory = 1
httpport = 8888
httpuser = admin
httppwd = admin
httpallowed =
# protocols
key = 0102030405060708091011121314
port = 12000@0963:000000;12001@0963:000000

(the line httpallowed includes all private network IP adresses or you can just replace this with the ip address of your pc. This will allow you to look at the web interface via your browser so if the ip address of your box is then in your web browser you would type (8888 is the port number that it is using). The username and password are both "admin".


label = slot1
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
boxid = 00000000
blockemm-u = 0
blockemm-s = 0
blockemm-g = 1
blockemm-unknown = 1
emmcache = 1,3,2
group = 1
caid = 0963

(Whilst this config does not require a boxkey/boxid, I found that it will not work if you completely remove this line. I just put 8 x "0" here and it works for me).


user = test1
pwd = test2
monlevel = 0
uniq = 0
group = 1,2
au = 1
caid = 0963

Make these 4 files, and place them in the folders I have mentioned, either with explorer or with FTP. When you have copied the files there, double check that the permissions are correct. With Filezilla, right click the files, and make sure the numeric value is set as 755. Double check the permissions for /etc/tuxbox/config are the same also. If you use Windows Explorer, right click each file (and the Config Folder) and make sure the read/write permissions are the same. Then go in and make sure that oscam/cccam is set as your default cam.

Switch your box off, and then back on again and let it start up. I shut my box down on one of my subscription channels and thought it wasn't working because the picture didn't clear instantly, but it took a couple of minutes to sort itself out and clear the my subscription channels. This delay is only for the first time you start the box. Further shutdowns and restarts clear subscription channels almost instantly.

Hope this is of some use.

Let us know if you get stuck and I am sure we will be able to help you out.

Cheers, Mark

06-10-11, 20:13
Hi Clabs,

I tried your method and had Pick TV working for a few seconds before it stopped clearing it. I couldn't find TSpanel in the plugins so I downloaded it and installed it from here: http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?8349-TSpanel-(Tunisiasat-Panel)-by-mFaraj57/page2&highlight=tspanel

Do I need to remove the other versions of cccam and oscam that are already installed in the VIX Softcam Manager before i start oscam-cccam2.1.3-0.1 in TSpanel?

For CCCam.conf what should i put for Boxkey as i dont have a sky box to get one?

I think I will try from the beginning and wipe everything and reinstall VIX, then tspanel and then oscam-cccam2.1.3-0.1 and see if it works.

06-10-11, 20:58

It is weired but when I was messing about trying to get this working, Pick TV cleared only for a few seconds for me also.

The version of TSpanel I am running is 3.6. If you downloaded an earlier version then just select the "updates" option within TSpanel to dowload the latest version.

Have you downloaded the same version of Oscam/CCcam that I mentioned?

It shouldn't matter how many other Cams you have installed - just select Oscam5953.CCcam213 as the default cam.

So far as the CCcam.cfg and boxkey is concerned, I only included my boxkey here because I also had CCcam 2.2.1 installed (which cleared everything but Pic Tv and needed to resort back to that to watch TV until I got the Oscam/CCcam combo working). You should not need a boxkey here at all so just delete that line altogether.

It might not be a bad idea to start from scratch in the methodical way you have described and then report back with your findings. Just remember to upload the configs I gave you AFTER you have installed Oscam/CCcam.

Let us know how you get along.

It also occurred to me that we have totally hijacked the OP's post (sorry) so maybe start a new thread on here and we can carry on the chat there?!

Good luck fella - and write back with anymore questions.


06-10-11, 21:41
I managed to get it working a different way using a suggestion from an irish satellite forum.


I used the oscam files from the poster dnme and changed the boxkey to 00000000 and it worked fine on VIX 2.2.100.

Hope this thread is a help to other beginners like me. Thanks guys.

06-10-11, 21:41
Moved your posts to their own thread.

06-10-11, 21:59
Thanks for moving it Stanman and so glad you got it working, Recycled - one way or another.

Now you have got those working settings you should be able to use them if you choose to try a different image.

Why not post up your working configs so that others can gain from your positive experience.


06-10-11, 22:18
A word of warning

if you post any configs on the forum, please mark any sensitive info with xx xx xx xx / xxxxxxxxxxx
and be sure there is no indecation of cardshare


06-10-11, 22:44
this config works a treat .


logfile = /var/local/oscam.log
cachedelay = 120
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 0
saveinithistory = 1

serverip = #your server ip address
port = 15500
au = skyuk
suppresscmd08 = 0 #0 = tell camd 3.5x clients not to request again for rejected CAID, service ID and provider ID combination
keepalive = 1

httpport = 15000
httpuser = user
httppwd = password
httprefresh = 10
httpallowed =,


label = skyuk
protocol = internal
enable = 1
device = /dev/sci0
detect = cd
#boxid = xxxxxxxx #( not needed as oscam can read sky uk boxid )
mhz = 600
cardmhz = 600
caid = 0963
ident = 0963:000000
group = 1
emmcache = 1,3,2
ecmcache = 1
blockemm-g = 1
blockemm-unknown = 1
blockemm-u = 0
blockemm-s = 0
lb_weight = 101
ecmwhitelist = 0963@000000:3E,42,44,45,47,4E,53,54,61,62,68,69,6A ,6B,6D,6F,71,72,73,77,78,79,7A,7C,7D,7E,80,8B


user = user
pwd = pass
uniq = 2
monlevel = 1
caid = 0963
ident = 0963:000000
group = 1
au = skyuk
blockemm-unknown = 1
blockemm-g = 1
blockemm-u = 0
blockemm-s = 0

Now open CCcam.cfg and put this line in :

L: 15500 user pass 0963 000000 256

First number is IP address of your server , then there is port number and username/password .

At the end there is the CAID number of your package and you can also optionally add 256 at the end .

This means that your card will show as local in CCcam . Same trick as in newcamd ( N line ) .

remember any changes to oscam configs take effect after restart of oscam .

07-10-11, 02:26
A couple of points you are missing the monitor section in the oscam.conf file.
Also you dont need the caid and ident plus all the blocking of emms in the oscam.user file
Set au =1 in the oscam.user file as well.
Finally # out the log file it aint doing jack shit anyway
One assumes you know what the meaning of unique is :)