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View Full Version : iPhone 4S sees iPhone 4 and 3GS UK price drop

05-10-11, 12:59

Thinking about buying an iPhone? The new iPhone 4S was announced last night, which means prices for the current iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS have dropped. Could now be a good time to bag an iBargain?

The 4GS starts at £500 for the 16GB model, when bought from Apple SIM-free.

Buying direct from Apple means you can choose any phone network and put any SIM card in the phone, so even though it's a lot to pay out up front, you'll probably save in the long run. Throw a GiffGaff SIM card in there, for example, and you could spend as little as £10 per month, even with unlimited Internet browsing.
Do you a deal

The phone networks are still in the process of sorting out prices, but they'll offer the phone at a reduced price as long as you sign up for a contract. Most contracts last two years, and include a set allowance of free phone calls, text messages and data -- data being particularly important, as the iPhone is all about browsing the Web.

You'll probably spend more in the long run over the length of a contract -- and there's no getting out of the contract even if you spot a better deal -- but it's the easiest way to get hold of a new iPhone if you don't have £500 just lying around.

We'll keep you posted on details of the deals from the networks. We're expecting all the major networks to sell the iPhone 4S, as will Phones4U and Carphone Warehouse. The Guardian reports Carphone Warehouse is selling the phone SIM-free alongside its network deals for the first time.
Vintage iPhones

The iPhone 4S looks identical to the iPhone 4, which is pretty disappointing if you were waiting for a brand spanking new phone. But it does mean you can buy an iPhone 4 and you won't look like you have yesterday's phone. The current iPhone 4 will update to the same software as the new phone, so you will have many of the new features, although you won't get the cool new Siri voice-control feature.

Apple obviously knows this, as the iPhone 4 isn't cheap: the new 8GB model costs £430. You can currently get an iPhone 4 free on a network contract, but you're looking at paying around £40 per month for the privilege. That may change when the 4S actually lands.

The iPhone 3GS, which is now two years old, can be bought for £320 from Apple. It's free on selected contracts from several networks.

The iPhone 4S hits shops on 14 October. The update to iOS 5 for existing phones will be available from 12 October. Are you tempted to pick up an older iPhone? Seen any great deals we should know about? Tell us in the comments section below


05-10-11, 13:35
Get a Iphone 4 8gb for £429 or a Galaxy s 2 16 gb expandable to 32 gb for £399 from amazon uk etc nothing quite like paying more for less

05-10-11, 13:39
agreed. with apple the same as many other so called super brands. your paying for the name not so much the hardware. thats always been my major gripe especially with the original iphone as it was years behind most of it's competitors hardware wise.

05-10-11, 14:24
yeh apple have always been over priced but thats the price you pay for these kinda things innit if you want the beez neez all bells and whistles lol

05-10-11, 14:27
yeh apple have always been over priced but thats the price you pay for these kinda things innit if you want the beez neez all bells and whistles lol

thats the thing though, at least with the first iphone and even upto the 3g it did not have the so called bells and whistles as it was vastly outdated hardware wise and really rather poor compared to others in the market.

05-10-11, 14:40
yeh i know, its similar thing with their macs, over priced but you know exactly what it is ur paying the extra for lol but for people that doesnt faze them i guess, and i guess i fall in that category lol i want all the bells and whistles hehe and i dont mind paying the extra for it

05-10-11, 14:54
yeh i know, its similar thing with their macs, over priced but you know exactly what it is ur paying the extra for lol but for people that doesnt faze them i guess, and i guess i fall in that category lol i want all the bells and whistles hehe and i dont mind paying the extra for it

"Mug" sounds like the correct word to describe it ;) :sofahide:

05-10-11, 15:18
Haha u cud say that but i love apple :p never done me wrong only made things better for me and easier so its not too much of an issue :p even got the misses hooked on apple she loves her iphone and now loves the ipad even more. Dammit i got the ipad so she cud use the laptop but now she uses the ipad even more lol

05-10-11, 15:30
Haha u cud say that but i love apple :p never done me wrong only made things better for me and easier so its not too much of an issue :p even got the misses hooked on apple she loves her iphone and now loves the ipad even more. Dammit i got the ipad so she cud use the laptop but now she uses the ipad even more lol

Certainly ain't done any thing for your spelling LOL.

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk

05-10-11, 15:31
"Mug" sounds like the correct word to describe it ;) :sofahide:

Haha totally agreed.

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk

05-10-11, 15:51
Lmao lets face it my spellin isnt gna change lol im too lazy to type correct spellings lol much easier for me to shorthand n slang :p eh its helps u golden oldies cath up wiv the lingo out there haha its a win win :p

05-10-11, 16:00
Lmao lets face it my spellin isnt gna change lol im too lazy to type correct spellings lol much easier for me to shorthand n slang :p eh its helps u golden oldies cath up wiv the lingo out there haha its a win win :p

lol i have 4 younger brothers and 2 younger sisters so i'm well versed in numpty enough to understand your lingo LOL

06-10-11, 20:31
The App Store and stable Apps is what makes tha iPad and iPhone stand out, not the hardware.
The other restrictions (like flash player and ring tones etc etc) can be pain sometimes. But they also makes the devices rock solid and easy to use.
My last phone could do everything, the problem was I didn't know how to make it do everything I wanted.
Even then, it only did what i wanted for a short time before crashing/freezing or spitting it's dummy out!

With Apple, less really is more...

06-10-11, 20:35
Problem is that the iPhone 4s looks exactly the same as the 4 so if you buy one how will anyone know you are better than them ? :D

06-10-11, 20:38
Is that not down to the coders of the apps for the 100s of quality apps on the idevices there are 1000`s of awful ones,give it time android will out perform everything apple has to offer including hardware software and functionality.

The App Store and stable Apps is what makes tha iPad and iPhone stand out, not the hardware.
The other restrictions (like flash player and ring tones etc etc) can be pain sometimes. But they also makes the devices rock solid and easy to use.
My last phone could do everything, the problem was I didn't know how to make it do everything I wanted.
Even then, it only did what i wanted for a short time before crashing/freezing or spitting it's dummy out!

With Apple, less really is more...

06-10-11, 20:39
Is that not down to the coders of the apps for the 100s of quality apps on the idevices there are 1000`s of awful ones,give it time android will out perform everything apple has to offer.

yes i totally agree.

06-10-11, 20:46
I don't know what I'd do without my iPhone.best gadget I ever had.I jb it a few days after I got it and haven't looked back

06-10-11, 20:53
I Personally have had two iphone 4 32 gb both free on contracts,the first one i sold on ebay for £500 + and the second i swapped for a vu+ duo and cash on here. with the cash i bought a new galaxy s 2 and still had money to spare.pound for pound the Samsung is the best phone on the market and even the iphone 4s lags behind when it comes to spec.I respect people choice but paying more for a phone that does a lot less is not right in my book,I guess you pays your money you takes your choice or something like that.

06-10-11, 21:10
It does everything and more for me tbh,and with it being jailbroken it opens it right up.:)

06-10-11, 21:13
Until they release a new ios and its lost i dont think where allowed to talk about jb btw

06-10-11, 21:14
It does everything and more for me tbh,and with it being jailbroken it opens it right up.:)

thats kind of the sticky point for me too. my previous iphones all had to be jailbroken for their true potential to be opened up. my HTC desire on the other hand works strait out of the box and does what i need with no fuss.

06-10-11, 21:19
Can your desire create a wifi hotspot:)

06-10-11, 21:20
Can your desire create a wifi hotspot:)

yes it can and i can tether it to my laptop rite out of the box in just a few seconds.

06-10-11, 21:21
All android devices from froyo android 2.2 can create a wifi hotspot

Can your desire create a wifi hotspot:)

06-10-11, 21:22
Well my m8 can't.I'll get him to contact you for instructions on it m8:)

06-10-11, 21:23
Froyo? Lol

06-10-11, 21:26
This should help


Well my m8 can't.I'll get him to contact you for instructions on it m8:)

06-10-11, 21:37
Froyo? Lol

lol you think thats weird the next os to be released on android will be ice cream sandwich

06-10-11, 21:48
Lol,so there's different android os like vix and bh?

06-10-11, 22:13
Lol,so there's different android os like vix and bh?

very much so I have 3 Android devices one running Froyo one running Gingerbread and my tablet running Honeycomb 3.2 and as already stated in the next couple of weeks Ice Cream Sandwich will be out.
These refer to the core systems like Enigma 1 and 2 but as with satellite images there are a whole host of custom interfaces and ROMs for all sorts of devices

07-10-11, 23:34
Is that not down to the coders of the apps for the 100s of quality apps on the idevices there are 1000`s of awful ones,give it time android will out perform everything apple has to offer including hardware software and functionality.

And when that day comes I may have another look, until then I'll stick with the iPhone etc.
So many people make Apps for the iPhone first as it is such a structured device. (evolution wise etc)
And most Apps work, unlike my previous phone.
I'm not an Apple fanboy in any respect. I avoided the iPhone until the 3GS, as I thought it just didn't work properly.
I still use a PC and have no intention of changing to a Mac.
I have a iPad, but would have no qualms swapping to a Android/Windows tablet if/when the Android Market really gets going.
It's not that i'm not technically aware, it's just that I'm sick of things being rushed to market and consumers being used as beta testers.

As for the Apple App store...
Doesn't Apple get some credit for creating the App store in the first place?
For all of it's restrictive failings, it at least brings everything together in one place.
At that time, there was nothing like it out there.
Being able to look in one place and pay securely was brilliant.
Others are playing catch up, and I agree may eventually overtake.

I too used to be a tinkerer/tweaker. Being able to adjust every last perimeter was vital.
Weekends were spent tinkering with the PC, then adjusting my CRT projector, programming my Pronto remote, then trying to get my HTPC to just bloody work.
Then I realised that most of these things weren't really important, and way too time consuming. (never mind totally frustrating at times!)
So out went the( superior) CRT Projector for a simpler DLP.
The Pronto went for a Harmony remote.
The HTPC was junked, and a PS3 took it's place.
Result? More films watched in the first month than a year with the CRT. (and actually watching a full film without adjusting something!)
The Harmony just simply works.
The PS3 just simply works.

These days I prefere to spend my spare time on more important things, and i don't worry if i cannot change my text alert sound for the Crazy Frog ringtone. :)

08-10-11, 11:16
I agree with virtually everything you said Paul, but the problem I have with Apple is when they ban apps such as the wikileak and the Palestinian one, the draw t line at any firm dictatating what I should read or think.

08-10-11, 11:44
apple are far too restrictive for my liking and thats my primary reason i dont like apple or their products. i have my own mind and if i choose to use my own phone in a way i want to who are apple to tell me i cant ?. Now i'm not talking about piracy or any thing like that but i find apples need to control every single thing on their products a total put off for me.

08-10-11, 19:22
apple are far too restrictive for my liking and thats my primary reason i dont like apple or their products. i have my own mind and if i choose to use my own phone in a way i want to who are apple to tell me i cant ?. Now i'm not talking about piracy or any thing like that but i find apples need to control every single thing on their products a total put off for me.

Apple don't tell anybody how to use their iPhone.
You a totally free to use it as back scratcher if you wish. :D
They do however have a set plan how they WISH for it to be used.
With that plan comes software updates, improvements and new ideas.
If you don't like their ideas/plans then either don't buy one, or get one and hack it to death.
But if you are going to do that, then you may as well get a better spec phone to start with.
Apple isn't the only supplier, so there are plenty of other phones/systems to choose from.

I actually like the idea that Apple has competition.
It means they cannot hang around too much, and have to open up certain things.
Some people see Apples restrictions as a bad thing, others see it as aiding stability and usability.

Like all forms of censorship, it is there to protect the majority not the individual.
As with all forms of censorship, there are ways around it!
You can jailbreak the iPhone, but with the more flexible benefits it also brings upgrade headaches when new updates come out.

There is no such phone that suits everybodies needs.........and that's a good thing!

08-10-11, 19:50
I agree with virtually everything you said Paul, but the problem I have with Apple is when they ban apps such as the wikileak and the Palestinian one, the draw t line at any firm dictatating what I should read or think.

I can kinda agree with you, but every company has standards/rules. So it is up to you if you agree or if they matter.
Apple have restricted certain content, rightly or wrongly, it's up to them.

This forum has a swear filter, and doesn't allow racists/sexists comments etc. Some people may see this as a restriction on their free speech. Others just think this as good standards. Again, apart from certain legal standpoints, it's up to the site owner what standards he wishes to be adhered etc.
If anybody doesn't like those standards, they should look elsewhere etc.

15-10-11, 18:06
been on the lookout for an iphone 4 last few days and from what i see on another forum the price of used iphone 4 seems to be in freefall due to the large numbers of them dumped onto the 2nd user market the last 2 days. Brand new and sealed iphone 4 seem to be holding onto a bit of value but 2nd user with warranty in good condition have been going for less that £300 (16gig versions), unheard of a couple of weeks ago.

16-10-11, 06:00
the price is naturally going to drop for the second hand market but it's not going to be a drastic drop especially from those that paid cash for the phones in the first place, and it's certainly not going to be the same with new boxed units.

as far as ebay goes, well i have been buying / selling / unlocking and repairing phones for well over 15 years and i dont rate the ebay as a valuation tool for mobile phones or any other high end electrical device at all, as they are always way off either way too artificially high in price or way to low.

16-10-11, 09:34
pheonix, deffinitely agree with you on the ebay prices for iphones, they are up and down for the same model iphone by the hour i was looking there for a phone but the prices are too variable and you need to sit on each auction as it closes tracking the price for a good value. i found the audio forum has a lot of iphones going through where the prices are set by bartering in the threads with the buyer and seller. ithink that the prices there are realistic as they are trading that is not pushed by last minute bid fever

16-10-11, 09:43
yup. at the end of the day any device is only as valuable as the buyer is willing to pay, and ebay especially brings out the competitive edge with people bidding just to gazump some one else. and yes you will get a better price by bartering and that is something that happens on this forum but some people are unwilling to go that route as they likely paid more for it them selves.

any way i wish you good luck in finding a phone at the rite price for you. personally i would not waste my money on a iphone but that's my own view on it.

16-10-11, 09:53
I would not trust the Ebay bidding as I think there is shill bidding going on. I've been looking at tablet prices and there all over the place. Personally only venture to ebay to gauge value and buy from user forums, at least your not ripped off.

16-10-11, 09:55
i would not even trust it for gauging prices mate, as i said as far as i am concerned ebay is well known for artificially increasing prices on most electronic goods, in part by shill bidding amongst other things.