View Full Version : Please help

25-09-11, 12:58
Hi I have installed the latest black hole on my vu duo and want to make my channels list like sly+ but how do I edit them and delete all the boques and channels I don't want as on my old image I just went on to them and pressed menu and delete was there but it's not there no more


25-09-11, 12:59
These settings are the closest that you will get to a sly box http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?8059-ViX-Team-Enigma-2-HD-settings-for-28.2E

25-09-11, 13:53
Hi mate

If you have time on your hands and want to config settings in your own way then download Dreamset or enigma edit and play about with it , you can taylor the birds your dish receives channels etc etc if your stuck most of the guys know these progs and use them so will help you out .
Otherwise do as the boss suggest and use one off the shelf lol
