View Full Version : How do i change user name & password on vu+duo box?? please help

sat nurd
25-09-11, 12:15
Hi guys an girls,

i have a vu+Duo box, i flashed the new VIX image and loaded up my bouquets.
i want to load my CCcam.cfg file on to the box via FTP, but before doing this i would like to change my user name and password.

could anyone please guide me on how to do this?? as i have no idea.

i am currently using the Dream Box Edit software if it is any help.

thank you all.

25-09-11, 12:19
First you need to download and install a telnet client

You will need your box ip address and this you can get from the network and test menu.

Log in via putty and username is root and password is blank
Once log in type passwrd and than enter the new one at the prompt

sat nurd
25-09-11, 12:30
Hi stanman,

thank you for you quick reply, but which software do i pick to down load, there is too many to pick from..
sorry to be a pain..

thanks again..

25-09-11, 12:41
just ptck the exe installer version


that will install in windows


you cant change root [username] only password

and the command to change is


sat nurd
25-09-11, 12:45
Just completed, thank you very much stanman & silverfox0786 for the help and guidance.:thumbsup:

28-09-11, 14:31
silverfox0786, I have a similar problem.

I updated the firmware using the online method and now I cannot telnet or ftp or use DCC as it doesn't now recognize my password.
How do I reset it?

28-09-11, 14:39
use putty mate

although dcc should work

and type passwd

the password you set should not have changed check you actually have network conenction

28-09-11, 14:49
I have tried, putty, filezilla ftp and windows telnet.

The DCC had the old password saved and it connects to the box as all the other methods do but it does not authenticate.

I have tried the old password i have tried, blank but i cannot get in

what next?

28-09-11, 14:59
is it connected to teh right ip address as an update should not kill the password

rescan yr network and devices on dcc but before that reset yr router and all devices

28-09-11, 15:04
I can ping the box ip with success
I can connect to the web interface using
I can telnet onto but it says access denied after entering password.

I have powered of the VU+ box, and the networking gear I have

28-09-11, 15:11
im at a loss mate i think you messed the password some how

a reflash will surley fix it

but i cant think of why itys happened as it should not have

28-09-11, 15:13
I found a thread here http://www.world-of-satellite.com/archive/index.php/t-812.html
look at the third last post. Thats exactly what has happened to me. After doing the online update my password does not work.

any suggestion?

28-09-11, 22:10
Dont know about VIX but on Pli you can download a password changer

28-09-11, 22:14
in telnet, try logging into the unit, type root, and password might be "blank" ( as in nothing ) so try typing passwd ( not password )
if it works, you can then type in your new passwd

28-09-11, 23:22
Dont know about VIX but on Pli you can download a password changer

its available on vix aswell but still needs the original to change it

24-11-12, 11:02
thx man will try

24-11-12, 14:00
I found a thread here http://www.world-of-satellite.com/archive/index.php/t-812.html
look at the third last post. Thats exactly what has happened to me. After doing the online update my password does not work.

any suggestion?

On remote > Menu > Setup > Software management > advance options > Packet management > If not shown -Reload > scroll down to > Enigma2- plugin – extension – password changer then ok > ok . After install > let the box reboot > The password is removed and it is now blank.
To put in a new pass start Dreambox control centre > click Telnet > write passwd > it will ask for password > type your password and enter > it will ask you to enter the password again – enter it again > it will say password changed > Test it with FTP programme.