View Full Version : Picons on HDD Vix 2.2

25-09-11, 11:37
My EPG is located in media/hdd
What is the correct folder location for the picons?
Is it media/hdd/picon
Any other setting needed to make picons show on the program guide and info bar??

25-09-11, 11:40
Which image you using?
For vix it does not matter as long as they are in a folder called picon. It is recommended to put them on USB otherwise HDD will spin up everytime you change channels.
Also for the VIX guide / CoolEPG to show there you need to press menu when in it and than enable picture in graphics and no of items to 5

25-09-11, 11:43
As stanman has said you can store the picons in media/HDD/picon and they will work fine, but the HDD will spin every single time you change a channel as it needs to seek the picon to display it.

Personally i'd say have a look in the bargain section and pickup a cheap USB stick. it's far better to just have a stick plugged into the back of the receiver with things like picons on. plus you can use it for epg and settings backups too.

25-09-11, 12:19
If picons are on the USB is it also necessary for the epg path to be set to be on the USB?

25-09-11, 12:21
No its not though I have my EPG on USB again to minimize the no of times the HDD is woken up.