View Full Version : Vu+duo component leads.

23-09-11, 22:03
Can anyone explain why i have a purple picture when i connect component leads from my VU+DUO to my tv. :confused:

23-09-11, 22:14
Did u go into a/v settings and change the video output?

23-09-11, 22:26
Urrrrrrr NO.

Rob van der Does
24-09-11, 06:07
And you also have to set the scart-settings to "Component" (as the wirings are interconnected).
So: first set scart to component, then set component to the required settings.

17-12-11, 20:48
I'm going crazy too!
I've installed VIX 2.3 on my second VuDUO which is connected via COMPONENT to my plasma.
On deep restart the vix startup screen is showed fine. As soon as the vix animated logo start to spin the TV screen turns purplish and with wrong resolution, that is to say blocky image.
Just onsider that with the Blackhole 1.6.6 everything was fine.
I've tried all the component settings but with some the video signal is blacked out 480i,480p(while the audio and enigma OSD is showed), and others like 1080i, 720p,576i, 576p shows the video as described.
I've tried all the silliest thing like using the second component on my Samsung Plasma (which supports all the resolution via component, even 480i,480p), restarting both TV and DUO.
What am I not doing rite?

17-12-11, 21:16
go into....
menu>setup>system>A/V settings.

on video output scroll and select scart>ok it.

reboot and then select component, it'll be alright then.

regards: canthackit

17-12-11, 21:20
I answer my self: following the sticky http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?7455-Correct-settings-for-users-using-component-output I've been able to solve the issue