View Full Version : a simple step by step to get sly card working and then have it updated in the vu+ duo

21-09-11, 15:51
a friend has the vu + but cant figure out how to configure box so that the sly card will update each month. I am getting a vu + duo as well in the near future so woul like to know as well and as I am a bit of a noob would like an easy to undersatand step by step.

I have read about box key etc but cant find the bit that will make sly card update!!



21-09-11, 16:07
just use cccam and it will update by itself

21-09-11, 17:24
Use CCcam bog standard settings with a boxkey if you have premium channels and it will update itself Oscam is more complicated and if you do not want to watch PickTV, than stick with CCcam.

Softcams cam be downloaded from here for VIX image


21-09-11, 23:55
thanks all but apparently the sly card stopped updating in the vu+ duo with ccam and people had to switch to oscam but to configure oscam for the sly card to update is I am told very very complex!!!

As am on the verge of getting the duo is there a walk through on how to configure the oscam so it will update the sly card? erm in simple steps.


22-09-11, 17:25
Aha so that's it!! mine stopped updating about 2 months ago, and i also aint got a clue about oscam :confused:

regards: canthackit

22-09-11, 17:49
Sorry but thats not right, I have a card set in CCcam 2.2.1 updating happily away, who ever told you that is talking nonsense.

Its Oscam on its own that cant update a card.

22-09-11, 20:13
ok thanks mate.

looks like i've got some investigating to do :confused:

regards: canthackit

22-09-11, 22:50
Both CCcam and Oscam are capable of updating your sky card entitlements on their own. CCcam will currently clear virtually all of your subscribed channels with the exception of PickTV/PickTV+1. Oscam will clear all subscribed channels.

CCcam is no longer in development where as new versions of Oscam are regularly being released.

I am currently running Oscam5953/CCcam213 combo under Blackhole 1.6.5 and I have no complaints. Oscam reads and handles your card entitlement updates and CCcam acts as client for your receiver.

There are four simple config files that need to be uploaded to your receiver under this confiuration and no boxkey required for later versions of Oscam. I am happy to post my configs here if it is not an issue with forum rules/mods. This is for using your paid sky card in your receiver alone.

For what it is worth, Oscam includes a very nice web interface that allows you to view amongst other things, your entitlement expiry dates - mine updated just this evening.

Good luck


23-09-11, 11:44
Hi mate

Dont know where u got the infomation about card not updating but mines been working ok for over a year. to make sure it happens i park my dish on 28e overnite and tune receiver to a premier channel


23-09-11, 20:52
Oscam updates my sly freesat card ok.

24-09-11, 12:00
Hi mate

Dont know where u got the infomation about card not updating but mines been working ok for over a year. to make sure it happens i park my dish on 28e overnite and tune receiver to a premier channel


mine did update regularly no matter what sat or what channel i was on always did it in the back ground, but as i say about 2 months ago it stopped updating and for the time being i'm having to put the card back in the orginal box.

this will have to be until i can get my head around oscam.

regards: canthackit

24-09-11, 18:31
i use oscam server and cccam client and it updates with out an issue

as long as oscam user that i use cccam for has the flas for au set to the card label

26-09-11, 00:11
I am happy to post my configs here if it is not an issue with forum rules/mods. This is for using your paid sky card in your receiver alone.I'd like to see those. Can't see it being against the rules as it is not c/s.

26-09-11, 13:09
I'd like to see those. Can't see it being against the rules as it is not c/s.


Here are the contents of my four files:

This for Sky UK card in upper card slot with Oscam5953/CCcam213. This is running under Blackhole 1.6.5 but I don't imagine Vix it too much different.

There are 4 files:

CCcam.cfg in /etc
oscam.conf, oscam.server & oscam.user all located in /etc/tuxbox/config

CCcam.cfg (if you are already running CCcam, back up your working settings BEFORE you install the new cam).

BOXKEY: /dev/sci0 XX XX XX XX

N: 12000 test1 test2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256

(I left my boxkey in initially so that this file would work with both CCcam alone or OscamCCcam but you can remove that line later if you want, once you get it all working)


nice = -1
WaitForCards = 1
logfile = stdout
preferlocalcards = 1
saveinithistory = 1
httpport = 8888
httpuser = admin
httppwd = admin
httpallowed =
# protocols
key = 0102030405060708091011121314
port = 12000@0963:000000;12001@0963:000000

(the line httpallowed includes all private network IP adresses or you can just replace this with the ip address of your box. This will allow you to look at the web interface via your browser so if the ip address of your box is then in your web browser you would type (8888 is the port number that it is using). The username and password are both "admin".


label = slot1
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
boxid = 00000000
blockemm-u = 0
blockemm-s = 0
blockemm-g = 1
blockemm-unknown = 1
emmcache = 1,3,2
group = 1
caid = 0963

(Whilst this config does not require a boxkey, I found that it will not work if you completely remove this line. I just put 8 x "0" here and it works for me).


user = test1
pwd = test2
monlevel = 0
uniq = 0
group = 1,2
au = 1
caid = 0963

Make these 4 files, and place them in the folders I have mentioned, either with explorer or with FTP. When you have copied the files there, double check that the permissions are correct. With Filezilla, right click the files, and make sure the numeric value is set as 755 Double check the permissions for /etc/tuxbox/config are the same also. If you use Windows Explorer, right click each file (and the Config Folder) and make sure the read/write permissions are the same. Then go in and make sure that oscam/cccam is set as your default cam.

Switch your box off, and then back on again and let it start up. I shut my box down on one of my subscription channels and thought it wasn't working because the picture didn't clear instatly, but it took a couple of minutes to sort itself out and clear the my subscription channels. This delay is only for the first time you start the box. Further shutdowns and restarts clear subscription channels almost instantly.

If it clears OK then you can view your entitlements via the web interface.

Hope this is of some use.

Cheers, Mark

20-01-12, 20:53
Will CCcam 2.2.1 update a Sky freesat card on its own? I haven't seen my card update yet - however I have no box key in my config file, as I was told this wasnt needed for freesat.

20-01-12, 21:03
Will CCcam 2.2.1 update a Sky freesat card on its own? I haven't seen my card update yet - however I have no box key in my config file, as I was told this wasnt needed for freesat.

Yes it will. Just make sure the kids have not been at it and turned it up side down. I have one in the ET5K and it updates fine using 2.2.3 or 2.3.0

20-01-12, 21:05
How far ahead should the entitlements be? I have 2 in March and 4 in Feb.

20-01-12, 21:06
all my FTV run out same date in Feb. My sub ones go to March.

20-01-12, 21:13
Sounds about normal then for mine. Maybe worrying about nothing. :)

11-04-12, 16:40

Here are the contents of my four files:

This for Sky UK card in upper card slot with Oscam5953/CCcam213. This is running under Blackhole 1.6.5 but I don't imagine Vix it too much different.

There are 4 files:

CCcam.cfg in /etc
oscam.conf, oscam.server & oscam.user all located in /etc/tuxbox/config

CCcam.cfg (if you are already running CCcam, back up your working settings BEFORE you install the new cam).

BOXKEY: /dev/sci0 XX XX XX XX

N: 12000 test1 test2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256

(I left my boxkey in initially so that this file would work with both CCcam alone or OscamCCcam but you can remove that line later if you want, once you get it all working)


nice = -1
WaitForCards = 1
logfile = stdout
preferlocalcards = 1
saveinithistory = 1
httpport = 8888
httpuser = admin
httppwd = admin
httpallowed =
# protocols
key = 0102030405060708091011121314
port = 12000@0963:000000;12001@0963:000000

(the line httpallowed includes all private network IP adresses or you can just replace this with the ip address of your box. This will allow you to look at the web interface via your browser so if the ip address of your box is then in your web browser you would type (8888 is the port number that it is using). The username and password are both "admin".


label = slot1
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
boxid = 00000000
blockemm-u = 0
blockemm-s = 0
blockemm-g = 1
blockemm-unknown = 1
emmcache = 1,3,2
group = 1
caid = 0963

(Whilst this config does not require a boxkey, I found that it will not work if you completely remove this line. I just put 8 x "0" here and it works for me).


user = test1
pwd = test2
monlevel = 0
uniq = 0
group = 1,2
au = 1
caid = 0963

Make these 4 files, and place them in the folders I have mentioned, either with explorer or with FTP. When you have copied the files there, double check that the permissions are correct. With Filezilla, right click the files, and make sure the numeric value is set as 755 Double check the permissions for /etc/tuxbox/config are the same also. If you use Windows Explorer, right click each file (and the Config Folder) and make sure the read/write permissions are the same. Then go in and make sure that oscam/cccam is set as your default cam.

Switch your box off, and then back on again and let it start up. I shut my box down on one of my subscription channels and thought it wasn't working because the picture didn't clear instatly, but it took a couple of minutes to sort itself out and clear the my subscription channels. This delay is only for the first time you start the box. Further shutdowns and restarts clear subscription channels almost instantly.

If it clears OK then you can view your entitlements via the web interface.

Hope this is of some use.

Cheers, Mark

In cccam.cfg, would you have to have a user with F Line set to accept a emm, ie F: user userpass 1 0 1, or will it get it from me as the local user?