View Full Version : 5W: French TV in analog ends in 2 months

20-09-11, 19:17
French public and commercial television to cease analog broadcasting on satellite Atlantic Bird 3 at orbital position 5 Wed west end of November - 29 November 2011 specifically. Viewers now have roughly two months to replace their analog sets with digital ones.

Term shutdown of analog TV signals at 5 ° W told France Television Numérique . Currently on this satellite broadcast analog station TF1, France 2, France 3, Canal +, M6 and France5/Arte Francais.

In exchange for ending analog broadcasting, satellite services TNTSAT ( 19.2 ° E ) and especially Frans (5 ° W), which broadcasts from the same satellite signals as analog French stations. In such cases, viewers enough to replace set-top box.

Platforms TNTSAT and Frans give viewers access to all unpaid basic channels that are broadcast from terrestrial DVB-T network in France, including HD channels and all regional versions of France 3