View Full Version : stream to pc useing vlc plugin

19-09-11, 18:58
Hi, im trying to stream from my duo to my laptop, im useing vlc version 0.8.6, now i can stream over the web useing yweb on vlc on my laptop, but im struggling with the vlc plugin on my laptop, im looking for the correct settings to put into the plugin, i keep getting an error message saying [ error loading play/file list into server xxxxxx [ my server name ] <urlopen error timed out> ....... would anybody know the correct settings to put into the plugin please......Cheers

19-09-11, 19:01
Try using Vlc 1.05 works the best for me on a laptop newer versions are not totally compatible with E2 images


19-09-11, 19:10
bassaethound m8, this version does work on the duo,if it did not work then i would not be able to use the yweb to stream to my laptop, so im confident with this version m8, im in need of the correct settings within the vlc plugin m8, thanks for your reply m8......cheers....

19-09-11, 19:16
i have never used a VLC plugin on my duo i just use the duo,s webinterface with VLC 1.0.5 on the laptop to play streamed content on my home network

19-09-11, 19:18
i have never used a VLC plugin on my duo i just use the duo,s webinterface with VLC 1.0.5 on the laptop to play streamed content on my home network

same here streaming from the Uno to my laptop.

19-09-11, 21:44
+1 for web interface and VLC, simpliest way to view imho.

Rob van der Does
20-09-11, 06:26
Hi, im trying to stream from my duo to my laptop, i'm using vlc version 0.8.6, now i can stream over the web using yweb on vlc on my laptop, but im struggling with the vlc plugin on my laptop, i'm looking for the correct settings to put into the plugin, i keep getting an error message saying [ error loading play/file list into server xxxxxx [ my server name ] <urlopen error timed out> ....... would anybody know the correct settings to put into the plugin please......Cheers
VLC 0.9.6 is too old......

i have never used a VLC plugin on my duo i just use the duo,s webinterface with VLC 1.0.5 on the laptop to play streamed content on my home network
As far as I can see TS is not using a VLC-plugin on his DUO either. In any case such a plugin is not needed (it is for the other way around: to stream from a PC to the receiver).
Later versions of VLC then 1.0.5 work fine, and are even recommended. I use 1.1.7 without any problem for streaming to the PC.

20-09-11, 11:27
ok guys, just in case im wording this wrong, i want to stream videos on my pc up on to my duo, now if the vlc plugin on my duo is for such actions, then im looking for the settings i would need to put into the vuo plugin so as to do this,, now if the webinterface plugin is a better options, then what would be the settings i would need to put into the webinterface plugin on my duo,
Iv`e only ever manage to stream over the net [ putting the ip addy of the box into my internet browser and watching tv/ changing channels/ sending up messages...etc..etc from there ] and vlc 0.8.6h has never let me down, but i may not work the other way, so i`ll download version 1.0.5 and give it a go, once i get the correct settings require to stream.. Thanks for all the replys.. much appriciated...

20-09-11, 20:13
ok guys, have vlc version 1.0.5 up and running, running just as version 0.8.6h did, now am looking to get the vlc plugin on my duo up and running, so that i can stream the vidoes on my laptop up on to my duo, HAS anybody got settings for the vlc plugin that works on there duo, im running the vix image ??

20-09-11, 20:16

it would be easier to mount yr video folder from yr PC to the duo using mount manager and then the files will play in media player

wehen u browse to them and press ok/play

20-09-11, 20:53

it would be easier to mount yr video folder from yr PC to the duo using mount manager and then the files will play in media player

wehen u browse to them and press ok/play

ok silverfox m8, i have my internal hdd mounted [ i believe..lol] so does doing it this way m8 mean, i have to FTP all the videos that i have over to the hdd first, as i take it there is no other way apart from the vlc method to see the videos straight from my laptop ??

20-09-11, 20:57
No mate, turn on your laptop, go to the DUO and in networks go to network browser and drill down to laptop HD, if you cant see it you may need to enable sharing on it.

Once mounted you can use either the media player or recorded movies and yellow button to navigate to your laptop HDD.

20-09-11, 21:23
cheers m8, laptop not there, so must find out how to share lappy... thanks

20-09-11, 21:33
make sure you got workgroup enabled and set the recording folder to share in windows share

i assume yr using windows

then make sure samba is enabled in vix network menu

then network browser should show it up in vix

then just mount it


20-09-11, 22:04
make sure you got workgroup enabled and set the recording folder to share in windows share

i assume yr using windows

then make sure samba is enabled in vix network menu

then network browser should show it up in vix

then just mount it


thanks for that silverfox, i now see my laptop ip in the browse network, but what are the settings in the mount manager as i cannot see my video folder in the c drive root .....

20-09-11, 22:49
you need to add the shared folders on the PC

like this

share to specific people and the everyone in the dropdown select everyone



21-09-11, 06:03
silverfox m8, its telling me it cant be shared, any idea why m8...thanks...

21-09-11, 13:24
silverfox m8, its telling me it cant be shared, any idea why m8...thanks...

what folder are you sharing some dont like being shared

ie my vidos and things like that

21-09-11, 18:10
silverfox m8, i made a folder in the c/root, but getting no where with that, so i tried to share my documents folder, which has other folders within it, i have tried the video folder within the my documents folder, but im have no joy as yet m8 ??

21-09-11, 18:18
c drive native wont share and nore will my docs unless you do the share wizard

then you will get a shared folder setup which will be shared

add movies to my shared videos folder

that should show up in vu then


in windows 7 they are called public folders

21-09-11, 19:05
ok silverfox m8, i have tried to share my public video folder, but it is telling my the folder cant be shared, my network is on a public network, so i believe that bit is correct, but there is something else stopping me from sharing the public folders, ??

21-09-11, 19:15
you need to look at yr share setting in network share settings

have a look here


21-09-11, 19:20
yes silverfox, have been in there, and both home and public are on, i have both of them with the same setting, is this correct, or should i only have one of them active [ public one ] and the other settings [ in the home settings ] off ??

21-09-11, 19:33
just follow what i done mate in pic above

thats my settings

make sure u got documents shared its off as default


21-09-11, 19:46
just noticed something else that needs to be enabled


21-09-11, 19:54
silverfox, everything looks good m8, but it keeps saying the folder cant be shared, ive been througk evrything and it all looks as you have shown, but something is a miss 8....


21-09-11, 20:03
another one m8


21-09-11, 20:44
turn on pasword protected sharing mate i have that but you dont

so it could be that

21-09-11, 21:26
password turn on m8, now i do believe i have a shared folder, please see bottom of jpeg m8, and if this looks ok, what will be the settings when mounting this folder, as i have put some setting in there, but do not know the correct settings to put in m8 11143

21-09-11, 22:00
when sharing to vu just browse pc and it will open up available shared folders

i dont share windows folders but im gonna try it now so i can report back what i did to make it work

21-09-11, 22:03
when sharing to vu just browse pc and it will open up available shared folders

i dont share windows folders but im gonna try it now so i can report back what i did to make it work

cheers silverfox, your hard work is very much apperciated m8

21-09-11, 22:42
fook me

finally got windows to share in enigma2

well we was doing it alllll wrong

mount -t cifs //192.168.x.x/<shared windows folder> /media/net/<mountfolder> -o username=<machine_name>/<username>,password=<password>

this has worked for me

but i has nothing to do with fstab or network browser

if you have trouble pm me with all yr details of yr pc

yr ip the shared fodler address user pass

and i will make u a script to add to /usr/scripts that will perform this command to share

23-09-11, 14:06
fook me

finally got windows to share in enigma2

well we was doing it alllll wrong

mount -t cifs //192.168.x.x/<shared windows folder> /media/net/<mountfolder> -o username=<machine_name>/<username>,password=<password>

this has worked for me

but i has nothing to do with fstab or network browser

if you have trouble pm me with all yr details of yr pc

yr ip the shared fodler address user pass

and i will make u a script to add to /usr/scripts that will perform this command to share

silverfox m8, is this any good for what we are looking for ....

C:\Users\wullie mac\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\3AU1TWJX\Windows 7 Network File Sharing Fix - Tanner Williamson.mht

23-09-11, 17:19
i aint got a clue what that is but andy will look into get it to work nativly

23-09-11, 17:39
i aint got a clue what that is but andy will look into get it to work nativly

pmsl. sorry silverfox, i did not realise my shortcut was within the address m8.....lol
... see below


23-09-11, 17:53
just been talking to andy

and the solution i have found is the most simplist and cpu unintesive solution

i will be setting up a avideo tutorial on how to do it very soon explaing what has to be done to get it work and share in windows

no extra windows modules are needed

once windows share is setup a command to the box has to be sent

which can be set into the box boot process

04-10-11, 15:09
ok guys, ive got someone coming in to try and configure my laptop, to try and get the folders to share with my duo,
Now, are we confident that the mounting procedure within the vix image is correct, [ will up load the mount settings i have put in my duo when i get home tonight, just for you guys to make sure nothing is a miss ]
Just dont want to spend money on getting my laptop to share folders for it still not to work, and the guy telling me the fault lies within the image mount, not the laptop... ??
Will let you`s know how it goes on wednesday night....Thanks....

04-10-11, 15:12
blueboy why are you doing that for

i said i will create the share script for you at no charge i have tested the sharing and made it work

please pm me your email i will catch you on msn or something

04-10-11, 15:51
blueboy why are you doing that for

i said i will create the share script for you at no charge i have tested the sharing and made it work

please pm me your email i will catch you on msn or something

Sorry silverfox, i was under the impression m8, that this was going no where, and i did not want it to rest there, will catch up with you tonight if your online silverfox .once again m8 thanks