View Full Version : oscam slow opening

18-09-11, 23:24
seems my thread was killed for some reason. i explained a perfectly legal situation where my bedroom box opens channels at a quicker rate than my main tv. i have no idea why this is diagnosed as illegal. so i ask again a simple question.

18-09-11, 23:28
your thread was closed at the discretion of a site moderator. if you feel this was not the correct action then you can freely lodge a complaint with the administration staff but dont just go and make another thread on the same topic. and for the record your thread was closed as it was deemed to be encroaching upon the banned subject of card sharing.

18-09-11, 23:33
thanks phoenix, but i miss the point. this has nothing got to do with sharing. it just annoys me that it takes ages for programs to open on MY primary tv when channels open immediately on MY secondary tv. no mention of sharing whatsoever

18-09-11, 23:35
well i have no knowledge or experience with oscam so i cant really help on the topic.

18-09-11, 23:36
this is classed as sharing finnatel be it WAN or LAN its a taboo subject on this forum

even so using a official card with a cam emulator is deemed against forum rules

18-09-11, 23:46
thanks phoenix, but i miss the point. this has nothing got to do with sharing. it just annoys me that it takes ages for programs to open on MY primary tv when channels open immediately on MY secondary tv. no mention of sharing whatsoever

erm then whats this then??

have my main tv connected to my vu+duo and when i change channels all channels are very slow to open. have my tv in my bedroom connected as a client and that tv open channels immediately. can someone explain why. assume it is associated with dvapi in oscam

using dvapi connecting to a client,

I made no big issue of your orig thread, and allowed a helpfull answer, you have broched this subject before, if you wish to dicuss card share, then join a forum that allows it, whether it be local ( inhouse ) or other wise

18-09-11, 23:46
as a supporter of this forum i simply do not agree with the view expressed. i asked a question. my question was why my tv in my bedroom opens channels immediately as compared to my main tv. is it the case that knowledge shared on this forum does not accept such a question. i have made it very clear that the solution described is internal to my house. no matter how anyone may view this this is by no means illegal and i would have never posted it if there was ever a doubt.

18-09-11, 23:50
forum rules are in my sig

here is an out line to a few that this thread breaks

3. Emulator config's can be discussed ONLY to use Official subscription cards in a members receiver.


18-09-11, 23:51
you are using oscam yes??
you are serving to another room in the house via oscam yes??
thats what you stated in your post

because you donate to the forum, does not allow share discussion,..in fact you were warned by "alias", re read the rules and you will see that this is a banned subject, contact admin if you find this offensive, but think you are close to the wind

18-09-11, 23:53
basilyoung, i make no reference to cardshare. i would like my primary tv to open channels faster. nothing else

18-09-11, 23:56
basilyoung, i make no reference to cardshare. i would like my primary tv to open channels faster. nothing else

to answer yr question with out breaking rules

please put your official card in a official receiver and it will open channels the way it is intended too

any disscussion that involves not doing the above will be deemed a break of the rules

18-09-11, 23:58
so how does your second tv get to watch a card in your reciever which is connected to a tv downstairs, via the same recieiver??
or a second reciever?

18-09-11, 23:58
ok, apologies to members. assumed wrong. just wanted advise on how to get my tv to work.

19-09-11, 00:11
guys i'm not trying to annoy you. have vu+ duo downstairs. from my modem i run a 20metre cable upstairs to my dm500. so it is nothing like my vu+ which is the best box ever. just would like to know why my vu (with my sky card in it) will not open channels as fast as my dm500 upstairs does (upstairs box on gemini, vu box on vix, latest version)?. Vu on oscam, dm500 on cccam

19-09-11, 00:20
join a card share forum mate

you have admitted that you wish to discuss cs, this is not possible here, there is a ruleing by the german courts that any soft cam is now illegal
this is why cam downloads are no longer possilble, either directly from the main forums, or image based downloads

what you are requesting, is cs help regardless of the use you are intending

this is why its against the rules, if however you wish to go down this road, you need to either learn for yourself, or ask questions on a share forum
try a google for euro share

you will not get any assistance here, but the answer you got from another member, is the answer

19-09-11, 00:28
not the answer i wanted but understand the viewpoint

19-09-11, 00:38
well in truth not really.

join a card share forum mate

you have admitted that you wish to discuss cs, this is not possible here, there is a ruleing by the german courts that any soft cam is now illegal
this is why cam downloads are no longer possilble, either directly from the main forums, or image based downloads

what you are requesting, is cs help regardless of the use you are intending

can someone on this forum say definitively that it is illegal to share media within the home. what is described above insists that it it completely illegal to distribiute media throughout ones house. i disagree with this sentiment completely

19-09-11, 00:40
im closing this thread till an admin looks into it further as its just becomming a unessasary debate

the bottom line is this forum will not allow disscussion of what you fintannl are asking and thats the bottom line


19-09-11, 00:50
i understand the thread is now closed but i feel i need to answer the last post by fintannl.

what your asking is not distributing media within your home but breaching the encryption system used by a service provider in order to illegally share it between two receivers. and that is illegal and a breach of copyrite law not to mention due to the fact the sky uk offer a multiroom subscription so your also in direct breach of sky's terms of service.

for this reason alone we will not tollerate threads or discussions on the subject. we have rules on this site to protect all of us, if you dont agree with the way this thread has been handles please send a pm to either of the admin staff and we will await their decision but this topic will not be discussed any further. and any more threads opened on this topic will be closed without warning.