View Full Version : Questions about installing a HDD in Vu Duo

13-09-11, 16:30
Hi Guys,

I have Vu Duo up and running on VIX 2.2.110 image but have yet to buy and install an internal SATA HDD as understand that this will allow me to Record, Pause, and Rewind live TV. I am looking for some help in relation to this and have some basic question below:

For arguments sake I'm considering buying the Samsung-1TB HDD HD103SI as listed in the section of this forum that lists the working HDDs that people have.

1. Does the choice of HDD I buy depend on the image, i.e. do I have to buy one that is listed as working with VIX2.2 image? What if I change the image to a different one in the future e.g. Black Hole image 1.6.5, could it be possible that the HDD will not work with this or maybe even another image?

2. If I do change images in the future, do I loose everything stored on the HDD? If so is there a work around to back up the content b4 changing image and the presumably I would have to reinstall the HDD again?

3. Also in a tutorial I read for installing a HDD, it pointed out that if you have already installed VIX firmware (I guess ‘firmware’ means the same thing as ‘image’) I will not be able to format the HDD and will have to install back to the Vu Duo’s original firmware then format it. Can anyone advise what and where I can get this original image that would allow me to install and format the HDD.

4. Any other suggested 1TB HDD from the one I am considering would also be welcome.

Thank you in advance for your help.

13-09-11, 16:38
1. the HDD is not image dependent, if it works on one image it will work on all of them.

2. no the content on the HDD will still be there, the process of re-flashing a image will wipe the internal flash memory of the receiver but not the HDD.

3. i find the opposite, yes some people have had to install the original factory image in order to format and install the HDD but more have not. one my Uno for example i used the VIX image to initialize the HDD with no problems what so ever. as for the location of the original image you can find that in the Vu download section under the heading original image.

13-09-11, 18:40
Thanx Phoenix. Do you know if there is a tutorial for adding the HDD using the VIX 2.2 image?

13-09-11, 18:54
theres not a tutorial as such at the moment, once you have physically installed the HDD just make a thread here and no doubt some one will talk you through it.

13-09-11, 20:11
guys yr getting forgetfull

here is the tutorial


13-09-11, 21:25
Thankx Silverfox, I had a peep at the tutorial and seems very detailed, just what I was hoping for. Also it mentions that this guy installed a Samsung Spinpoint F3 HD103SJ. Looking at the specs of this on Amazon, it states the Form Factor: 3.5" x 1/3H[. I presume that the 3.5" size will fit in the Vu Duo as I remember reading somewhere about a 2.5" sized HDD was recommended.

13-09-11, 21:27
3.5 Will fit inside the DUO and the fitting takes it very comfortably

13-09-11, 22:31
as stanman said the 3.5 is the standard size the duo can take

with an adapter a 2.5 can be fitted but its not the standard size that the receiver takes

a 3.5 is what is standard to this receiver

14-09-11, 07:00
If anyone wants to add formatting/initialisation instructions for VIX (as opposed to openPLi) to the sticky thread I posted, please feel free. I'm very happy with openPLi and have never felt the need to experiment, so I can't do it myself.

(Why don't I try VIX? I belong to the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" school.)

Rob van der Does
14-09-11, 09:49
Why don't I try VIX? I belong to the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" school.
Both PLi and ViX have excellent backup facility's, so it is very easy to return to the state your box was.

And I can assure you: ViX has made the image complete, where PLi isn't interested in details. But if you are easily satisfied you can continue using PLi :cool:

14-09-11, 10:37
The only reason why I am trying the BH image from my current VIX2.2 is because I was getting a lot of freezes on the channels. In VIX I tried changing the Ccam from the 2.1.4 to another and it never showd the other options (2.1.3, 2.2 etc) which I had FTP'd to the /tmp folder so I was always stuch with Ccam 2.1.4. Not even sure that this would have improved the channel freeze I was getting. After lots of nagging from the missus to throw the Vu box out, I thought I'd try another image and just came across the BH1.6.5 as being recently uploaded. With this image I again FTP'd the various Ccams in the/tmp folder and can actually toggle between these in the menus. I found 2.1.4 actually just didn't work and swapped to 2.1.3 an the chanels appeared. Did this late last night so will give it a few days and see if the missus starts complaining about freezes. Will come back to the forum with questions once at that stage:D
By the way, is getting image freezes on channels (more on some than others) normall expected behaviour or do I just nee dto experiment with images/Ccams etc as I concluded?

Rob van der Does
14-09-11, 12:27
Freezes are not normal. If you ecpierence them, it's alway's good to see if that also occurs on FTA channels. If the do, that rules out CAM-issues.

Anyway: CCCam 2.1.4 should work good. And btw: the SoftCams you tried: where they from the ViX-softcam thread? Otherwise it might have been versions that are incompatible with ViX.

See you back soon (after you have seen what you miss in BH) :thumbsup:

14-09-11, 18:45
Never had cam freezes, I think its more to do with..................