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View Full Version : Choppy playback for some AVI files

captain jack
09-09-11, 17:56
On some AVI files on my Uno, the playback is a little choppy. It doesn't stall but seems like it doesn't play all the frames. The files are mainly DivX/XVid files (not sure what version) - the audio is fine.

Most of the mkv/MPEG4 HD files play back fine as do some DivX files....

VIX 2.2 image.

Any ideas?

09-09-11, 18:06
xvid is still in its infancy on these boxes

i have never had issues yet with what i watch but have found in the past that some xvids are encoded differently and require different codecs

fgor e.g. a xvid that plays on a pc wont play on a ps3 due do differences in the core codec code

possible that your xvid is teh same

captain jack
09-09-11, 18:08
Ah OK. That's a shame... Hopefully there will be a new driver/codec to deal with this.

09-09-11, 18:45
Try mkv's, they play perfect and they're HD ;)

captain jack
09-09-11, 18:55
Yeah, but I have a tonne of good old xvid/divx files that probably cant be replaced.

09-09-11, 18:59
Yeah, but I have a tonne of good old xvid/divx files that probably cant be replaced.

reencode them

captain jack
09-09-11, 23:29
What's the best format to re-encode them to? H264?

Rob van der Does
13-09-11, 21:07
Many many files (especially those "found" on the internet), are poorly coded, regardless of the container used. And as all decoding has to be done in the hardware, even the smallest deviation from the original codecs will give problems. This will never change: the processors in a settopbox are not capable of doing so much work as decoding in software.
For audio this is different: there the processor can do the decoding just fine, so adding codecs can help out.