View Full Version : Mytube/Youtube not working

07-09-11, 12:41
hi can some one help me please, on my Vu+ duo box Vix image V2.1, i can`t get the mytube & youtube working.message keeps comming up video not available.
thank you

07-09-11, 12:51
Same here, there was a fix but it didn't work for me :(

07-09-11, 13:29
We been testing this today as one of the mods canrt get it working either

myself andy and pheonix have got it working fine so it may be you need to reflash your box and try again

hopefully vix 2.3 will have a working one

07-09-11, 15:09
Hi mates

Downloaded tube plugin to my solo did a standard search which found results but then proceeded to crash the box to restart


Rob van der Does
08-09-11, 09:11
We been testing this today as one of the mods canrt get it working either

myself andy and pheonix have got it working fine so it may be you need to reflash your box and try again
After a lot of frustrating testing, I found at last the (strange) solution: I always use a fixed IP on my boxes, and never had any problem with that. Now as a last resort I changed to DHCP and: MyTube suddenly works fine. No idea what the reason is, but at the moment I revert to fixed-IP the problem is there again (and vice-versa). And all other network-functionality is fine in both situations.

I hope this works for you as well; at least it is worth a try.

08-09-11, 09:51
hi VUplus

how do you change the setting to DHCP ?

Rob van der Does
08-09-11, 10:01
Menu --> Settings --> System --> Network --> Box settings --> Adapter settings --> DHCP

But DHCP is the default value, so if you don't know where to find it, it probably is already DHCP.....

02-10-11, 15:21
hopefully vix 2.3 will have a working one

Dare I ask............................................... ......................................... :D possible release time (ish) ?

02-10-11, 15:22
Dare I ask............................................... ......................................... :D possible release time (ish) ?

You know the response to that Marty:D

Rob van der Does
02-10-11, 15:46
Dare I ask............................................... ......................................... :D possible release time (ish) ?
I don't know if you dare, but: Yes, you may ask that.

02-10-11, 16:06
Dare I ask............................................... ......................................... :D possible release time (ish) ?

well as stanman has said you know the answer to that one. i will say this though.
we so far have gone through 48 different revisions of 2.3 to date in a effort to get a image that we are happy to release. now i cant speak for the other teams as i don't have in-depth knowledge of their processes but i very much doubt any other team goes through the intense effort we do to release a image that is as near to perfect as we can get it on the first release.

02-10-11, 16:16
I know you won't put a date on it but any chance of a list of new features? or is it just bug fixes?

02-10-11, 16:23
I know you won't put a date on it but any chance of a list of new features? or is it just bug fixes?

if it were just bug fixes mate we would have just rolled out the updates as we do with other small updates etc. i cant really give a list of things included but it will be worth the wait ( i know this is not what you want to hear but it's all i can give you at present ).

02-10-11, 16:55
I know you guys appreciate the hardwork that is put into creating the VIX image but one thing you have to realize, we will not release unless we are 100% happy that the image is bug free as is possible. Last thing you as users and the team want is to release an image and use you guys as betatesters!

You folks have been patience and all I would say is hang in their, YOU know its worth the wait:thumbsup:

02-10-11, 16:57
YOU know its worth the wait:thumbsup:

Great!!! thats means porncenter is gonna be working again LOL :p

Rob van der Does
02-10-11, 17:01
Great!!! thats means porncenter is gonna be working again LOL :p
Hmm, not sure if we gave that a thorough test, did we? Thanks for reminding, but now you will have to wait even longer: that's not a one-night test-job :cool:

02-10-11, 19:23
porn centre was installed by me to check it works and it seems to now but not sure how well as not use it

as for updating you of features well Andy once said to me

don't post features as its annoys other teams and users and seen as gloating

for e.g. ushare we didn't post that as PLi don't have it working but we do so PLi would see that as gloating

the only reason we announced that is allot of users where trying to get it to work without success and that was down to missing modules so to keep users trying in vain we told em just to hold a little longer as its fixed in vix 2.3

Mr. Mister
02-10-11, 20:26
hi can some one help me please, on my Vu+ duo box Vix image V2.1, i can`t get the mytube & youtube working.message keeps comming up video not available.
thank you

Just installed this on one of my duo`s with vix 2.2.1.. and its working fine..

02-10-11, 20:27
Just installed this on one of my duo`s.. and its working fine..

yep its the same one i use on the Uno and it works flawlessly.

Mr. Mister
03-10-11, 00:11
Pheonix.. I should have mentioned that this is the one you posted on DBUK.. lol

Sorry bud..

03-10-11, 12:09
thank you mr. mister, its working fine.. :thumbsup:

03-10-11, 12:12
Pheonix.. I should have mentioned that this is the one you posted on DBUK.. lol

Sorry bud..

yes i know mate.

no worries.