View Full Version : Woman scammed into buying block of wood with Apple logo sold as an iPad

31-08-11, 03:08
22-year-old Ashley McDowell of South Carolina was duped out of $180 after two men approached her in a McDonald's parking lot and offered to sell her an iPad.

One of the men, who had a gold tooth, says McDowell, explained that they purchased the tablets in bulk from overseas and were selling for $300. The woman said she only had $180 on her and they quickly accepted her price.

When McDowell got home, she opened the box (a Fedex box, not even an iPad box, mind you) to find a piece of wood with the Apple logo painted on it as well as a "screen" with a replica iPad home screen.

Adding insult to injury, the scammers threw a fake Best Buy sales ticket on top.

Despite dusting the box and "tablet" for prints, the police say they have no leads.

http://www.afterdawn.com/news/article.cfm/2011/08/30/woman_scammed_into_buying_block_of_wood_with_apple _logo_sold_as_an_ipad

31-08-11, 07:15

Isn't one of the first things you'd do in that situation, open the box up before you handed over the money! Surely, she also thought it dodgy they would accept nearly half the price!

Sorry, but some people can't complain...

31-08-11, 11:24
:D:D Reminds me of the scam electrical sales a few years back, if its too good to be true than it aint.

31-08-11, 16:12
yeah there was a similar scam going round my way about 15 years ago with VHS recorders, blokes would turn up with a van selling a load of them at nock off prices only for people to find the box stuffed with a phone book LOL

31-08-11, 16:19
I was met with a scam many many years ago

One bag showed actual goods

Then they made you pay by giving money to the other guy

He kept you distracted and they switched bags and gave you a identical bag filled with water bottles

Sent from my iPhone 4 using Tapatalk

31-08-11, 16:41
I was met with a scam many many years ago

One bag showed actual goods

Then they made you pay by giving money to the other guy

He kept you distracted and they switched bags and gave you a identical bag filled with water bottles

Sent from my iPhone 4 using Tapatalk

You got scammed never:eek:

31-08-11, 16:42
You got scammed never:eek:

yeah i did i was only young though

31-08-11, 17:12
I seen that scam on hussle on tv. Crafty bastardos though u gta giv it to em for even attemptin it

31-08-11, 17:29
I was met with a scam many many years ago

One bag showed actual goods

Then they made you pay by giving money to the other guy

He kept you distracted and they switched bags and gave you a identical bag filled with water bottles

Sent from my iPhone 4 using Tapatalk

I remember those scams when used to go to the markets when I was a kid...

There used to be a bloke telling you he would give you a radio, a cassette player, a vhs etc etc. He would put em all in bags, and have em all bagged up. There would only be 20 or so bags worth, but all really cheap. They'd then take the money from you, tell you to go to a man at the end of the van, and you'd collect it. First man would open up the bag and say summit like "wow, this sony cassette player is top of the range" and pull it out. The man would tell him to not get it all out in the market, as don't want to draw too much attention to himself (in front of all the others obviously). So, he'd put it away, and walk off. The others would go away without opening ... but obviously getting duped!

As said above ... gotta give em points for having the balls to do it! Pretty sure if just one of the punters opened up and found summit wrong, then the others all would, and you'd have a riot on your hands nowadays!!! lol