View Full Version : [ET9x00] Wireless disables after reboot?

27-08-11, 18:46
Hi using ViX 2.2.110 with a RTL8191 based USB wifi dongle, it is working well but everytime I reboot it is disabled in network settings, if I then press "use adaptor = yes" it connects straight away and works fine(until next reboot).

Can't see anything wrong with /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf or /etc/network/interfaces

Any ideas?

27-08-11, 20:37
Thats odd its working now...dont think I changed anything really but /etc/network.interfaces has changed like this:

# automatically generated by enigma 2
# do NOT change manually!

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
pre-up /usr/sbin/wpa_supplicant -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -B -dd -Dwext
post-down wpa_cli terminate

iface eth0 inet dhcp

Before when it wasn't working on reboot, there was another "pre-up" line with "iwconfig" and the SSID in (I believe)

04-09-11, 16:47
My wireless RTL8191 based USB wifi dongle still disabled after reboot. I'm using lastest open pli image. Any help?

04-09-11, 18:17
Yeah edit your /etc/network/interfaces as above

04-09-11, 19:44
Yeah edit your /etc/network/interfaces as above

Hi, my /etc/network/interfaces is like yours. The only change is I not use dhcp, I use fixed ip's.:(

04-09-11, 20:49
Then other than check /var/log/messages I dunno, sorry.