View Full Version : Project Valerie unable to update

25-08-11, 16:09
I have Project Valerie (PV) installed and very happy about the plugin, but as there are several new fixes and updates I would like to install the latest revision instead of the r906 that is in the repository.

However, I'm unable to do that through the update menu within PV, it simply downloads and installs the r906 from the repository. If I download the ipk package directly from the PV googlecode site it also ignores the package and installs the r906 from the repository.

Everything was working beautifully when PV for a brief period was not in the repository, but when it came back I found that my r910 PV was downgraded to r906 when I used the update function within PV.

How can I solve this problem? I understand the need for PV to be a part of the repository for those who prefer to install plugins that have only been tested and approved, but as it is now I'm getting more and more frustrated that it prevents me from updating PV.

25-08-11, 20:46
You should be able to uninstall the one downloaded from the server by going to plugins and uninstalling.

As for your preferred one, would need to be an IPK file, ftp to temp folder and than blue button>vix and local extensions to install.

25-08-11, 20:57
As far as i know theres no easy way of updating PV as it will keep reverting back to the one in the feeds

25-09-11, 17:35
Here is a work-around that worked for me, but it will require you to use the terminal, e.g. through a telnet session:

If you installed project valerie from the plugin menu, uninstall it and restart box. Note that the config files and database files are not deleted by doing this.
Move the package files from /var/lib/opkg to a temporary directory either on flash drive or hdd
Download the mipsel_oe16.ipk file from the project valerie website
Install the .ipk file: "ipkg install project-valerie_revNNNN_mipsel_oe16.ipk"
Move the package files back from the temporary directory and into /var/lib/opkg
Restart box, and start project valerie, wait for it to read your stored database and check that the updated version is running.
DON'T use the built-in update utility in project-valerie, as this will look in the package files for the latest release and downgrade your version to the current one in the VIX repository.

10-11-11, 22:06
At last I have a working PV !!!!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: