View Full Version : Reading a VU+ formatted External USB drive on a PC

24-08-11, 13:39
Hi Guys
I have an external USB HD with recordings from my VU solo box.
How do I read this drive on my Windows XP & Windows7 based PC's?
I have tried a utility called 'Ext2 IFS' without success.
Has anyone managed to do this?

24-08-11, 14:25
On a windoes 7 based pc u should be able to use the network sharing center to view the usb hdd that connected to ur box. I can view my duos internal hdd on my windows 7 lappy by just viewing what sconnected to my network and then mapping it as a network drive

24-08-11, 15:18
Punisher is right with a USB-HDD connected to your Solo. I have a tool at home (sadly still at work) which allows to read your EXT3 HDD with a Windows PC directly. Will have a look when I'm at home
(don't remember the name of the tool).

24-08-11, 15:59
Cheers, let me know what tool it is, as I would prefer to read it directly connected as opposed to reading it over the LAN.

24-08-11, 16:56
Managed it with "Ext2 Volume Manager" Freeware - also "Ext2fsd" and "explore2fs" should be a good choice.

25-08-11, 09:09
Managed it with "Ext2 Volume Manager" Freeware - also "Ext2fsd" and "explore2fs" should be a good choice.

I Tried the 'EXT Volume manager' and it was able to see the drive and assigned it a drive letter, but stated that the drive needed to be formatted.
Any Ideas?

25-08-11, 14:39
It's several months ago that I used an external HDD with my Solo. I do not remember if there was a driver installation needed. It seems that Windows recognizes just a RAW partition in the volume and therefore asks to format it. Have you installed the manager and rebooted before attaching the USB HDD?

25-08-11, 16:28
I Tried the 'EXT Volume manager' and it was able to see the drive and assigned it a drive letter, but stated that the drive needed to be formatted.
Any Ideas?

Windows doesn't support the linux ext2/3 file system without the 'file system driver' which is 'Ext2fsd'. The 'Ext2 Volume Manager' needs the underlying file system driver in order to work properly. I have both these installed with Windows7 and I can read anything formatted by VuDuo directly on the PC.

25-08-11, 19:17
Thanks, didn't remember the namings exactly. Expected the driver is missing. Good you have sorted this.