View Full Version : Streaming from vu duo to my pc, problems !!!!

22-08-11, 22:46
I didnt even know I could do this until tonight and it was a mate who said install vlc player (full install) and type in the address bar and hey presto I got the channels from my vu-duo that is in the other room and is connected to the pc here via router/ethernet cable.

I only have at best a download speed of about 3.80Mb and upload of about 0.75Mb, its a crap a.d.s.l connection.

I have a great gaming pc, Intel i7 cpu, AMD 6990 graphics (worlds fastest card) etc etc.

BUT, I have noticed that I get a lot of buffering on vlc, tried the HD channels too and they take forever to buffer, and even the SD channels buffer like mad a lot, so much so I have just uninstalled vlc player :(

Can someone tell me please, what is the best and easiest program to use and hopefully not buffer so much etc ?

Please remember I am very untechy when it comes to the vu duo and all that, so that puts me at a disadvantage straight away, a noob so to speak, lol, but I was impressed in how easy it was to use vlc to watch the box from another room, but too much buffering etc, so I binned that idea as I said.

Hope someone can help.


I know theres other posts about this, but I wanted to start my own new one, p.s, I have the version of vix image thats in my signature.

22-08-11, 23:55
been a while since i used vlc,...but there is an option to "cashe" ( vidio/audio delay ) set it to approx 5 seconds, the buffering will then stop, and you should have great sound/piccys

23-08-11, 00:03
ok i will have a look for the option to see if i can find it thanks.

but in the meantime anyone else with other suggestions please also tell, thanks.

23-08-11, 00:07
ok i will have a look for the option to see if i can find it thanks.

but in the meantime anyone else with other suggestions please also tell, thanks.


as basilyoung suggests set your vid/audio delay, works fine then m8.



23-08-11, 00:33
10119I cant find that option, is this it in the photo, have a look where it says "stream output muxer caching (ms)", is that it ???? if so, I just change that 1500 to 5ms ?

23-08-11, 00:45
thats a mili seconds setting i think, if any thing change it to 3000ms

23-08-11, 03:01
ok, for some reason I uninstalled and reinstalled vlc player, again I chose the full install, for some strange reason there is no buffering now on the HD channels etc, looks great, so I dont know what was happening earlier on, maybe just heavy usage of the a.d.s.l network or something, but I cant see that being the case as I am streaming from my box/router to my pc in the house via an ethernet cable, hmmmm ???

anyways, couple of other questions.

I notice that I dont get all channels, is this becuase i dont have both cable feeds connected to the box I will only get certain channels ??? Its just that i have one feed going to my tv with built in freesat, and the other feed going to the vu duo, is that what is stopping me from seeing all the channels even though I can view them on the tv the box if connected to if I select those channels I cant see on the pc ?

the other question is this, I notice that although the picture is pretty good on my pc monitor which is a 42 inch edge LED/lcd full HD, some channels the picture looks a bit like as if it has lots of very faint lines going along it horizontally, is that something to do with the interlacing as the vu duo is 1080i rather than 1080p ??

Not sure about these things at all, so any top tips to get the pictures looking perfect would be excellent please.


hope the stupid buffering doesnt come back again and I still havent found the setting that should be changed to 5 yet ?

23-08-11, 23:21
ok, for some reason I uninstalled and reinstalled vlc player, again I chose the full install, for some strange reason there is no buffering now on the HD channels etc, looks great, so I dont know what was happening earlier on, maybe just heavy usage of the a.d.s.l network or something, but I cant see that being the case as I am streaming from my box/router to my pc in the house via an ethernet cable, hmmmm ???

anyways, couple of other questions.

I notice that I dont get all channels, is this becuase i dont have both cable feeds connected to the box I will only get certain channels ??? Its just that i have one feed going to my tv with built in freesat, and the other feed going to the vu duo, is that what is stopping me from seeing all the channels even though I can view them on the tv the box if connected to if I select those channels I cant see on the pc ?

the other question is this, I notice that although the picture is pretty good on my pc monitor which is a 42 inch edge LED/lcd full HD, some channels the picture looks a bit like as if it has lots of very faint lines going along it horizontally, is that something to do with the interlacing as the vu duo is 1080i rather than 1080p ??

Not sure about these things at all, so any top tips to get the pictures looking perfect would be excellent please.


hope the stupid buffering doesnt come back again and I still havent found the setting that should be changed to 5 yet ?

anyone got anything to add to this please ? appreciate it :)

23-08-11, 23:39
I am a little confused with your post, are you on about streaming still, or are you asking multy questions, if so, you need to start a new thread, as anyone reading your post, are likely to think, "to complicated"

23-08-11, 23:48
I am a little confused with your post, are you on about streaming still, or are you asking multy questions, if so, you need to start a new thread, as anyone reading your post, are likely to think, "to complicated"
Mate, I am not meaning at all to sound or come across akward, I am just asking a few questions there and yes I guess they are all related to streaming to my computer & monitor, thats all, I read my questions again and cant see the point in making a new post, if there is then please point out what parts and I will post the questions up seperately, again, I can assure you, I am not wanting you or anyone else to feel that I am being akward, hope this helps :)

24-08-11, 00:08
I notice that I dont get all channels, is this becuase i dont have both cable feeds connected to the box I will only get certain channels ??? Its just that i have one feed going to my tv with built in freesat, and the other feed going to the vu duo, is that what is stopping me from seeing all the channels even though I can view them on the tv the box if connected to if I select those channels I cant see on the pc ?

I find this question to be a bit vague

are you streaming to your comp, from the VU?, if so what has freesat on your tv got to do with streaming?
as far as streaming goes, you need to select the channel you want, then stream it, also, how are you getting the stream, is it via the web interface?

24-08-11, 00:45
I find this question to be a bit vague

are you streaming to your comp, from the VU?, if so what has freesat on your tv got to do with streaming?
as far as streaming goes, you need to select the channel you want, then stream it, also, how are you getting the stream, is it via the web interface?

I mentioned freesat as the tv has built in freesat, so i have one feed going to the tv freesat connection and the other feed going to the vu duo, I know thats stupid as it stops me from being able to watch one channel on the vu duo whilst recording another etc, but to be honest, it is only like this because the wife prefers just to switch the tv on and use freesat thats built into tv rather than having to switch on the vu duo etc, lol.

But, I was asking, is that why I cant view all channels when streaming to the computer/monitor, you know, cause I only have the one feed going into the vu duo ? But I can view all channels as normal if I watch them on the tv the vu box is connected too, but not streaming to the pc, for example, I can put a sports channel on the box manually at the box using the remote control, but then when I go and look at the computer stream I can see that channel but not some others If you catch what I am on about ?

To view the stream I am just typing in the ip address of the vu duo box in the address bar and then it brings up a list of my channels on the vu box and I can click on each channel, and if they are going to work then VLC player kicks in and plays them, but as I say, not all the channels will play, only some, you get me now ?

24-08-11, 19:02
You are able to watch certain progs via computer streaming as they use the same transponder that you are watching on your TV. Install the other feed to back of Vu Duo so you can choose any channel m8.

24-08-11, 19:17
I think I now understand,

you can stream any channel available on your VU, to your comp,
but, on the TV, you have the same programme, or it changes to the streamed programe?

if you have both tuners in use, connected to your dish, you should be able to watch a stream, independant to what is currently showing on your TV, provided that the second tuner can access the channels you want to watch

24-08-11, 22:41
Ok guys thanks for that, so it was because I only had the one feed connected afterall, lol, well at least I know now :) :thumbsup:

That brings me back to the other questions now if you dont mind please ?

The other question is this, I notice that although the streamed picture is pretty good on my pc monitor which is a 42 inch edge LED/lcd full HD, some channels the picture looks a bit like as if it has lots of very faint lines going along it horizontally (especially if your sitting too close), is that something to do with the interlacing as the vu duo is 1080i rather than 1080p ??

Not sure about these things at all, so any top tips to get the pictures looking perfect would be excellent please.


hope the stupid buffering doesnt come back again and I still havent found the setting that should be changed to 5 yet, where is that setting at on VLC ?

01-09-11, 18:45
Ok guys thanks for that, so it was because I only had the one feed connected afterall, lol, well at least I know now :) :thumbsup:

That brings me back to the other questions now if you dont mind please ?

The other question is this, I notice that although the streamed picture is pretty good on my pc monitor which is a 42 inch edge LED/lcd full HD, some channels the picture looks a bit like as if it has lots of very faint lines going along it horizontally (especially if your sitting too close), is that something to do with the interlacing as the vu duo is 1080i rather than 1080p ??

Not sure about these things at all, so any top tips to get the pictures looking perfect would be excellent please.


hope the stupid buffering doesnt come back again and I still havent found the setting that should be changed to 5 yet, where is that setting at on VLC ?

If you stream using windows media player the interlacing seems to go away, for me it seems to anyway.

01-09-11, 21:04
If you stream using windows media player the interlacing seems to go away, for me it seems to anyway.

How'd you do that mate, when I try windows media player the picture cuts out after a second or two ?