View Full Version : Express AM4 launch anomaly

18-08-11, 17:47
BAIKONUR COSMODROME, Kazakhstan, August 18, 2011

The ILS Proton Breeze M with Express AM4 telecom satellite lifted from Pad 39 at the Cosmodrome at 21:25 GMT on August 17. After the 4th burn of Breeze M module the telemetry signal from the Breeze M and the satellite was interrupted. Few hours later, the engineers from Roscosmos have restored the connection to Breeze M module and currently analyse the telemetry data. There is a state comission formed to perform the investigation of this launch anomaly and we expect the additional information to be published at the Roscosmos website.

The satellite, weighting almost 5.8 metric tons, was designed and built jointly by Russia's Khrunichev Center and EADS Astrium. It carries 63 transponders operating in C-, Ku-, Ka and L-bands to provide services to provide high performance coverage over the Russian Federation and CIS countries from the 80 East orbital position.
