View Full Version : HTC Files Lawsuit Against Apple Alleging iOS Devices and Mac Infringes Their Patents

18-08-11, 11:58

As if there wasn't enough news in the past couple of days, today Rueters reports that HTC has sued Apple in the US over alleged infringement of three of its patents. The three patents, HTC claims, are violated by the Mac and iOS line of products.

Reuters reports:

The lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Delaware seeks to halt Apple's importation and sale of infringing products in the United States. It also seeks compensatory damages, triple damages for willful infringement and other remedies.

The action recommended by HTC is certainly harsh, but is more or less the same as Apple's recommended actions in EU and Australia.

Two of the three patents in question come from HTC's acquisition of ADC Telecommunications. All the three patents are related to wireless communications.

The timing of this move is interesting to say the least. HTC has been keen on striking a cross licensing agreement with Apple, and this is an aggressive move from HTC's side to get Apple to sign such an agreement. Besides, Android OEMs now have a newly gained sense of security and confidence thanks to Google's acquisition of Motorola, which gives them access to Motorola's 17,000 patents.

Note that patents is the only reason non-Motorola Android OEMs are happy about, even the statements on Google's "Quotes from Android Partners" page seem to agree to this fact. A Google-backed Motorola would definitely have an advantage over other OEMs in the long run.

Apple and HTC have a history (dating back to 2010) of suing and coutersuing, in which Apple has enjoyed an upper hand till now. Also important to note is that S3 Graphic, a company HTC is in the process of acquiring, has already won a case in which the US International Trade Commission found Apple guilty of infringing two of S3's patents.

This is one of the best times to be a lawyer isn't it?
