View Full Version : Impossible to start Oscam with VIX 2.2.110 ...?

18-08-11, 10:04
Help me PLEASE...:confused:

I am trying to get Oscam working since a couple of days now... without success!
Yesterday I managed to get it to work by installing the old 1.00 ipk from the VIX download site and then replacing the bin-file with the recent stable 1.10 version but then I had problems with OscamInfo and webcam timed out errors... So this morning I decided to reflash the image 2.2.100, then upgraded to 2.2.110 and installed manually the enigma2-plugin-cams-oscam.1.00.4863_1.0_mipsel.ipk... , copied my different oscam files in the /etc/tuxbox/config folder and restart the VU+.
... I went into the softcam setup menu and tried to start the cam... it showed working, but nothing happened ... not one channel opened!, and when I returned to the softcam menu it showed NO cam active...??? I restarted oscam once againand rebooted ... still nothing and oscam is still NOT started !!!
I really don't know how to get it started... What can I do ???

THANKS a lot for any working suggestion .:cool:

ps. I am sure that my differ. Oscam files are 100% OK !

18-08-11, 12:28
the ipk is out dated

needs to be updated for a newer one

try this


extract from rar

ftp into box

place file into usr/softcams

chmod to 755

18-08-11, 13:30
THanks, Will try that version !!!