View Full Version : I need the telnet commands for CCcam

17-08-11, 18:18
Hello fellow hobbyist :D

i've posted on the telnet/unix thread but my request has gone unanswered, so i'll ask here if you don't mind, what's the command for stop and start on CCcam please.

regards: canthackit

17-08-11, 18:25
To start you need the exact name of the bin file so here is an example

CCcam_2.2.1 -&

Here are a few other options when you start it

-d run in foreground (implies -v and -q)
-v be verbose
-q don't use syslog
-C <configfile> use <configfile> instead of default (/var/etc/CCcam.cfg)
-k <keyfile> use <keyfile> instead of default (/var/keys/SoftCam.Key)
-f filter on specific demux data (saves some CPU)
-n show network packets
-s disable server
-t show timing

To stop it you need

killall -9 CCcam_2.2.1

Of course you also need to be in the correct location so you change it with this command

cd /usr/bin

or where ever you CCCam bin file lives

17-08-11, 20:34
Aha! he say's though.

what if he's running VIX2.2 100 and there aint no /usr/bin file, the single CCcam binary file goes to /user/softcams where it's listed as CCcam.2.2.1.

but i do like the tut though :thumbsup:

regards: canthackit

17-08-11, 20:41
/usr/softcams/CCcam2.2.1 -d

18-08-11, 09:18
thanks silver.

i suppose it was obvious now i see it:D:rolleyes:

thanks & regards: canthackit