View Full Version : Mount Netgear NAS & Picons wont install

16-08-11, 21:44
hi guys 2 issues here for some direction if possible:

Using Dou Vix 2.2.1 updated latest online release:

1) I have setup a username on my Netgear NAS Duo which i can access using Filezilla / Firefox. However, using the NetworkBrowser-mounts, the mount is set but does not record to it, it records onto the internal flash for about 30 secs then stops. Do I need to set this up using CIFS or the other option?

2) For the last 2 version of VOX, when I try to downlod Picons via Plugins, I select the Picons i want then the screen goes back to the list. I wan to install on Internal Flash without USB.


16-08-11, 22:26
I have a Netgear DUO and mounted it through the browser and it mounts fine as a NFS share. I have not used it to record so cant advise you on that.

As for the picons I would not store them on the internal flash but a USB key. Its advisable to keep writes to the internal flash to a minimum.

16-08-11, 22:43
cheers stan,

got the recording and playback working by using the "R" key next to the menu then selecting location. The mount was there so i exited out and the reocding / playback working fine now.

i will try USB picons but I dont see why we cant use Internal Flash - wots the point in having it then?

PS - what does the swap manager do? Doies this allow the USB to give the box more RAM? If so, is it worth adding a 1GB USB stick into the USB in the back and using it for Picons and swap manager?

16-08-11, 22:46
One of storage of Picons on flash wont do harm but there do change and if you are going to be writing to flash over many write it will degrade, having said that it may be 100's of write, so choice is yours.

Swap manager does create extra memory but I have never had to use it and personally leave it alone unless box becomes sluggish