View Full Version : Problem Oscam-Status plugin !!!

16-08-11, 18:23
I installed the newest version of the Oscam-Status plugin v.0.41r0 on my Vu+Duo... that went OK; I was able to open the app and set the param to read my oscam.config file, BUT... impossible to view nor readers nor servers lists... 'timed out" error message !!!

16-08-11, 22:38
Why would you want to install this? the image has a oscam plugin that gives all the info. You may need to enable it for the blue button by going into menu>settings>softcam

17-08-11, 07:55
I tried that VIX plugin but got the same issue when calling users/servers lists: TIMED OUT !!!
... any suggestion ??? :confused:

17-08-11, 08:02
Have you configured oscam.conf correctly ?

17-08-11, 08:15
Thanks for you help @donnie,

till yesterday I have been working with Oscam and VTI image for month without any Oscam problem... I copied exactly the same oscam-files and Oscam (most recent STABLE 1.10 version) seem to work correctly; local cards and peer shares > OK !

Other strange issues were that I don't find any oscam.sh file in the usr/script folder and that when I tried to open Webif this morning on my computer it returns me an error message (error 404: Not Found)... ???


... here is my Config-file:
usrfile = stdout
logfile = stdout
cwlogdir = /var/log/oscam/cw
loghistorysize = 9999
unlockparental = 1
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 10
saveinithistory = 1
lb_mode = 1
lb_save = 100

appendchaninfo = 1

port = xxxxxx
reshare = 1
version = 2.1.3

httpport = 8080
httprefresh = 10
httpallowed =,

enabled = 1
boxtype = dreambox
user = local
au = 1
request_mode = 1

17-08-11, 08:51
Try this

port = 988
serverip =
nocrypt =,
aulow = 60
monlevel = 4
hideclient_to = 0
appendchaninfo = 1

httpport = 8080
httpuser = oscam
httppwd = oscam
httprefresh = 15
httphideidleclients = 0
httpallowed =,

17-08-11, 18:13
Hi @Donnie,
I am just back home and the first thing I did was trying out your config... unfortunately without any improvement; still 'timed out' !!!
as I used that Oscam info plug for months with VTI image without any problem I suppose the problem MUST probably be some small incompatibiliy settings within the new VIX 2.2.100 image... tomorrow I will try it again with the VIX 2.2 !
Thanks for your help :thumbsup:

17-08-11, 21:25
There is a problem with the newer oscam versions, if you download from here it works fine.

17-08-11, 22:19
There is a problem with the newer oscam versions, if you download from here it works fine.

I was not aware of an issue, I use the plugin and I get my Oscam direct from the download board.
I am using the latest stable version 5876

17-08-11, 22:41
Its working fine with the built in oscam plugin?:confused:

In testing I had time out errors and GS when I was using any version other than from the shared folders and I was advised it was because of changes in the newer oscam versions

25-08-18, 11:48
The (purchased) CLines are in "config.cfg" : not allowed n this forum

25-08-18, 11:57
to be continued by a moderator and maybe open your own topic instead of hacking in to this one

25-08-18, 13:24
The date of the first post is 2011,i would think images and other stuff would have greatly improved since then so hence the suggestion to start a new thread was meant?

25-08-18, 14:57
Hi, "cactikid "

Closed, read our forum rules!