View Full Version : Remote Control Frequency

16-08-11, 14:53

i've now got 2 Duo's one above the other in the equipment stand,i forgot about needing to operate only one at a time for the time being i've had to put masking tape over the sensor of one of them, but this is not ideal at all.

so is there a way to change frequency of one of them, or any other way i can operate them individually.

regards: canthackit

16-08-11, 22:50
I dont think there is mate

17-08-11, 02:53
OK - here's a blue sky idea - not tried - no guarantees.
Get some polarising film - maybe salvage it from some busted device with an LCD screen.

Glue strips across the remote IR LED window and one of the Vu+ sensor windows in one polarisation, and the other pair the other way.

Or, you could do that but just use one remote, using it vertically for one Vu+ and horizontally for the other.

You'll lose half the sensitivity though, so it may not be too reliable in operation.

Just a thought.

17-08-11, 08:23
You could use the web interface remote as both boxes have different IP addresses or Dreamdroid remote on an android device to control one of them and the ordinary remote for the other.

BTW if memory serves the IR frequency is 36 kHz

17-08-11, 08:39
There is a dreambox plugin available you could try.

You can find it in the feeds from dreamboxupdate.com

17-08-11, 11:27
ok guy's a big thank you.

surely at least one of those options should work.

thanks & regards: canthackit

17-08-11, 21:40
The dreamdroid suggested by maxwell works, have tried it myself.

18-08-11, 15:15
i use dreamon and dreamote they are wicked

19-08-11, 17:21

this is sad i've got a crappy old smartphone Nokia X6 no iphone or android, blimey i've got to wait another 9 months before i can do an uprade :rolleyes:

so atm i've got double thickness insulation tape across the sensor :baby:

regards: canthackit

19-08-11, 18:41
Did you try the plugin ?

21-08-11, 11:37
Cant find it mate, tried various googles, got to the website eventually.

i couldn't find anything that you refered to, this was on dreamboxupdate.com

regards: canthackit