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View Full Version : Skip unused Services in QuickEpg?

16-08-11, 14:44
Does anyone know if it is possible to skip the unused services whilst scrolling in the
QuickEpg? I am new to the scene and enjoy channel hopping using the quickepg but find it really annoying when using the Sky Bouquet supplied by SilverFox if you go from for example channel 401 you have about 16 emtpy channels until you get to 385.

Can this be disabled like you can on the main epg?

Also does anyone know if you can get the quickepg to cycle through the channels by using the up and down arrows rather than the left and right arrows?

By the way this is all on the latest Vix 2.2 release.

16-08-11, 15:02
as far as i know there is no way to blank those channels out of the epg in the way you want to, unless you remove them from the bouquet but that will destroy the channel placement as they are required to be there so that your channels can mirror those of the sky uk lineup.

16-08-11, 16:10
Thanks for the confirmation pheonix I did try playing around with the settings but could not get it to work. I personally think this would be a very useful feature for a new version. Do you know if you can skip easily back to the last viewed channel...something similar to the blue button on the sky remote?

Having never used any other epg plugins would you know if this is possible in for example the cool tv epg?

16-08-11, 16:45
The 2 < and > buttons on ur remote allow u to go back to previously viewed channels

16-08-11, 16:58
Great, just tried that..works well. Thanks for the tips.