View Full Version : Freesat decoder question

13-08-11, 17:51
[B]Hello all,
Hope this is the correct catagory for this question, apologies if not. My enquiry is regarding the freesat decoder box for the 28E satellite - is it possible (legal) for me living in Denmark to purchase one such decoder in the uk and have it sent over (or get it myself for that matter) without it being seized by customs or similar?
I don't know if it is against the terms & conditions of freesat - that is if the decoder is only for use in the UK (or not?).
Also, should it be possible to have over here, does anyone know if the signal standard / coding standard is a once only affair or would I have to purchase another decoder in say, 5 years time?
Some years back, I obtained a uk video crypt decoder which worked great ....for 6 months then they changed the standard to videocrypt 2 whereupon the decoder was useless and had to be dumped.
Just a bit nervous of repeating the same mistake.

13-08-11, 18:04
you can pickup a freesat receiver in just about any pc / tv shop in the uk and as there is no contract you should be ok as far as shipping it out of the uk ( dont quote me on that though as i have not looked into the TOC's )

as for the other part of your question, freesat channels are FTA and so not encrypted so i cant see there being any worry's about it being obsolete for many many years to come.

13-08-11, 21:25
Just to add to what Phenoix said, there is also Freesat from SKY, which is encrypted on some channels but there is only a one off charge for the box and card. Personally you don't need togo down that route as a box on ebay and card will do the same thing. It should last you as long as the card is not replaced by SKY, if it is you will need to buy another which is normally around £20

14-08-11, 19:44
Many thanks Stanman, I think you hit the nail on the head as now I understand there are two types of freesat - the clear fta and the coded fta from sky, (though how they can call fta coded - thats one for Sherlock Holmes!). Syfy is one of these, I would think.
One final enquiry, should a replacement card later be necessary, does it have to be orded from sky or could I find one on ebay?

14-08-11, 19:50
Ta very much Pheonix, well commented.:)

14-08-11, 22:37
SYFY is not FTA from SKY its a subcriber channel and IIRC its not part of their "freesat" offering.
It basicaly is the same as Freesat with one or two extra channels.


Personally I would buy a HUMAX freesat box and go down that router or even a Linux box and have the option of adding a card later on.

15-08-11, 07:08
Why do you want a freesat box anyway ? there are so many other cheap recievers out there that do almost the same thing and a lot more in some cases.

17-08-11, 20:34
I had the idea that an original freesat reciever would show a maximum number of clear fta tv channels, whereas other 28e decoders/recievers might only show a partial number.
I've based this on reception of some fta channels shown "blacked out" using decoders I previously bought here in denmark.

17-08-11, 20:43
tbh i have found a free to air satellite receiver will tune in all the channel

the only difference you will find is that a freesat box willl tune in the channels that a FTV and clear them where as a sat box will need some sort of soft cam