View Full Version : Green Screen after Updating Project Valarie to rev908

12-08-11, 00:59
I don't think it's the update that's cause the crash I think I change the skin earlier, and after a re-boot that's when it happened.

I can't seem to rmeove Valarie to re-set the defaults or find the config file where the WebInterface bit is configured on what port.

After removing the BlackSwan Directory I can get into the box again, but it will Green Screen if I try and start ProjectV.
If I uploaded the corrcet files one is with the BlackSwan folder still there the other is after removing it (the larger one)

Fixed it after manually installing again from command line, and all good as I say I think it's something I changed with the Skin, so don't think it's worth looking into, but just as a warning...

12-08-11, 01:47
Oh and as a follow up, for some reason I can't get 908 to scan, so it doesn't seem worth installing anyway... Unless I'm doing something wrong :eek: