View Full Version : Make usb backup of VU duo

11-08-11, 10:33

I've downloaded some images I want to try on my vu duo, however I dont want to lose my current set up I have on my box. Is there a way to create a usb file backup of my current setting so I can simply reload it if I don't like the images I have downloaded?


11-08-11, 13:09
Sorry - I should add My vix 2.2 doesnt seem to have backup manager installed.

If I do this

"To get started you need to go to the Backup Manager which can be found by pressing the blue button/VIX/"

As desribed here:


I dont have backup manager as an option. If i try to install


I get an error saying it is already installed.

11-08-11, 13:54
that backup manager is available on all vix 2.2 images ... what version of 2.2 are you on? the latest i think is 2.2.108

11-08-11, 14:13
that backup manager is available on all vix 2.2 images ... what version of 2.2 are you on? the latest i think is 2.2.108

I know and I appreciate this makes no sense but I installed vix2.2.0 and I don't have it as an option. If there is a log file or an error log file I can post I will but I need a little help.


11-08-11, 14:17
try installing the latest 2.2.1 image and see if the backup manager is there

11-08-11, 14:31
try installing the latest 2.2.1 image and see if the backup manager is there

thats my catch 22 - I don't really want to do that because I will loose all my current settings, I want to create a usb backup of my current setup. I've taken an image using image manager - does this do the same thing?

11-08-11, 14:35
The image just backuos ur entire image so u can reflash an have it the exact way it is now. The backup manager allows u to take backup of ur settings/plugins etc so when u flash a new image say 2.2.1 u can restore those settings and plugins you had on say 2.2 and then use the wizards restore settings after a new flash

11-08-11, 14:38
Ah ok, so even if I reflash vix 2.2 It would not delete the file I have made as an image back up. and I don't need to worry about having to reinstall all my current plugins and setting up tuners etc?

11-08-11, 14:43
If u flashed 2.2 then the image manager will still have ur backup image as it will be stored on either ur hdd or usb and the image manager will pick it up ready for u to restore back to it if u need to. But as i said if u dnt have ur current settings backed up via the backup manager trn when u flash 2.2 u will just have a clean flash with no plugins etc etc

11-08-11, 14:52
OK - I'll give that a try.