View Full Version : Plugin_Oscam-Status

08-08-11, 13:33
Oscam-Status v0.30

OSCam a simple and efficient plug-in, designed by Puhvogel, to view information, status, card, etc., required of emu vs.

version 0.30r0
- New menu item "server restart / shutdown"
- Displays any buttons in the dialogs
- Various changes e.g. to the main download class

Just under "Server setup" return the same config files you have in "oscam.conf" under "webif" precisely

httpport = vs porta
httpuser = vs user
httppwd = vs psswd

by Puhvogel

09-08-11, 10:00
New version v0.31-r0

09-08-11, 21:22
version 0.40r0

- Amended operating concept, e.g. all the info's on yellow button
- Marking of table columns
- Display of the AU status as ACTIVE, OFF and ON
- New Dialog "show all readers" to enable / disable selected by the reader (from 5773)
- Reader restart function removes (xml api was not functional)

16-08-11, 17:47
New version 0.41r0

- (ACTIVE = green, yellow = ON, OFF = red) display status of the AU as a green / yellow / red icon
- Colour coding of lines in the log (reader = yellow, green proxy = write, emm = orange, rejected or invalid password = red)
- Cosmetic code ...

26-08-11, 09:37
version 0.42r0


- Fix label size protocolext in client / Reader Info
- Ecmhistory display a bar chart in client / Reader Info

by Puhvogel