View Full Version : EPG problem on new image

05-08-11, 20:44

I have just put the latest vix image on my box and now when i press the epg button the epg only fills a box in the middle of the screeen.

all others fll the full screen.

any ideas please?

thank you.

05-08-11, 20:46
it's a skin problem. change to the default VIX skin and you should be fine.

05-08-11, 20:48
thank you for the reply m8.

i was using the same skin with the previous version of vix. could it be just a problem with the new version

06-08-11, 00:27
thank you for the reply m8.

i was using the same skin with the previous version of vix. could it be just a problem with the new version

update to the latest version 2.2.109 (via online update), but was a bug in the release image.

06-08-11, 07:15
Excellent m8.

thank you, i done the update and it is back to how it should be :O)


update to the latest version 2.2.109 (via online update), but was a bug in the release image.