View Full Version : weird VTI issue

05-08-11, 16:30
new image been fine for 3 days used crossepg updater this morning, now i have no infobar when i press OK, its there on zap or channel change but not on OK

06-08-11, 08:22
sadly i dont know how much if any help we can be to you. most of us here use VIX, in fact iv'e never even tried a VTI image so i'd have no clue how to help other than ask the VTI team or see if any others using this image are having the same problems.

06-08-11, 09:44
its nothing to do with the image, it was the crossepg update corrupted something, done it again its ok now, VTI is a top image why haven't you tried it ? if you dont try you dont know

06-08-11, 10:05
its nothing to do with the image, it was the crossepg update corrupted something, done it again its ok now, VTI is a top image why haven't you tried it ? if you dont try you dont know

the way you worded your thread made it seem as if it were a image fault, as for why i have not tried VTI, truthfully i have no interest in trying it. VIX does every thing i ever need and the fact that it is constantly updated and improved on a almost daily basis is a very nice incentive to stick where i am, ( that and the fact i am a beta tester for VIX ).

06-08-11, 11:03
Well i come from a different place, been using a long time tried all of them vix done nothing for me, BH and vti so much better in my opinion, everyone to his own though

06-08-11, 13:27
Well i come from a different place, been using a long time tried all of them vix done nothing for me, BH and vti so much better in my opinion, everyone to his own though

VIX seems perfect for me :) I treid every image there was when I had a DM800 some were better than others but none had all the features I wanted then I got a DUO tried them all again and stuck with VIX as that seemed to do all :thumbsup:

14-08-11, 10:09
hi :)

I second martyd :thumbsup::cool:

VTI now become super because it is stable and has everything you need.

21-08-11, 11:33
apart from rytec epg of course ;)

which happens to be the best epg proggie on the planet

21-08-11, 17:51
apart from rytec epg of course ;)

which happens to be the best epg proggie on the planet


i meant of course Ryvix or xmltv as it's now called

regards: canthackit