View Full Version : Lytrics when playting music. Is it possible?

05-08-11, 11:58
HI Guys, been a way for while (Family issues) Anyhow. ive copied a stack load of MP3 Albumbs to the HDD (.../hdd/movie/music) of my VU+ DUO (Latest FW) and an listining to them now. What I would like to know is, is there a plugin or anything that will show the lyrics to the songs as they are playing? I know im going to have to change the ID Tags etc.. so the individual songs get recognised. Can you point me in the right direction please?


05-08-11, 14:37
i dont think ther eis mate

maybe do a search for a e2 karaoke plugin

05-08-11, 14:38
youd need CDG rips for that, plus a plugin to read the information

05-08-11, 14:52
pft , never mind. it was a good idea at the time :confused:. Thanks fellas.