View Full Version : Joining/Merging 2 bouquet files

04-08-11, 23:08
Hi All,

I am quite new to VU+ Duo and have everything almost up and running however I have 2 bouquet files one for sly 28.2 and the other for astra 19.2
so is there anyway to merge the two then re upload it to the box. I tried importing one over the other in DBE but got loads of import errors and the
log file had lots of the following in it "cannot find the original corresponding service file"

Any ideas.



04-08-11, 23:10
i use dreamset, if you open up 2 instances of the program, you can copy the bouquets from one and paste it in the other to merge together, thats what i have done and works ok for me

04-08-11, 23:19
Ok will give it a go.

Many thanks


05-08-11, 09:34
i use dreamset, if you open up 2 instances of the program, you can copy the bouquets from one and paste it in the other to merge together, thats what i have done and works ok for me

Hi Again, As stated before I am a bit of a newbie with all this as must be doing something wrong as I am not sure what I should be cutting and
pasting as when I tried to move some items from one list to another the program just crashes. Can you offer a bit help in terms of what info windows do i move the data from as there are 3 panes or maybe there is a idiots/newbie guide to using dreamset.

Thanks again.


07-08-11, 14:02
Ok gave up in the end as it kept crashing when cutting and pasting between 2 instances.
However after playing around with this prog I realised you can download and create your own files made up of with whatever sats you want which is
great so after about 10 mins of chopping and changing I got there in the end by creating my own bouqet files.